See my "Sartre's sweaty nutsack" reply.

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If only.

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At least in Washington state the red districts are full of hopelessly, virulently, belligerently stupid Republican voters. I'd laugh my ass off to see the kind of gerrymander it would take to stack and crack our red districts. Break King County into about 4 new districts, each with a finger about 10 miles wide stretching across the entire Cascade mountains to the east side of the state. Giant blue fuck you middle fingers right into these assholes' faces.

It would almost be worth the catastrophic breaking of whatever's left of our democracy, just to hear them howl in protest and get to tell them, "Elections have consequences you shitkicking asshats. FUCK YOUR FEELINGS."

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Yes, it is.

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That's already being allowed and it hasn't stopped mass shootings.

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The funny thing, of course, is that if we required a college degree for voting the Republican Party would be locked out of politics in most states.

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I know right, when she told Hillary not to go to WI and MI she totally did Hillary wrong. Susan Sarandon having an opinion definitely changed the election, she should have shut her trap, then Hillary would have won! Tim Kaine 2024! Pokémon Go!

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Can we make it two rapey assholes?

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“Abandon hope, all ye who enter Texas, Louisiana, or Mississippi aspeace officers with only a few seconds to react to dangerous confrontations withthreatening and well-armed potential killers . . . . [T]here is little chance that,any time soon, the Fifth Circuit will confer the qualified-immunity protectionthat heretofore-settled Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit caselaw requires.” WhatTheHolyFuck!That! That is an 'Honourable Judges' dissenting opinion?Fucking histrionic rhetoric fit for a politician, sure, but not a circumspect and even-handed officer of the fucking court.

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Republicans cannot win without cheating. That's why they always cheat.

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Thank you, Ms. Crofts, for inadvertently settling something that has been really bugging me -- I've been seeing people write "tow the line" so much lately, I was beginning to think maybe I'd had it wrong all these years lol.

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Take the Preznitcy, and the Senate, keep the House.Expand SCOTUS to 11.Use the Traitor McTurtle's precedent of 50%+1 to put Obama and Obama on the bench and watch the end of the world begin.The kids are both in college and they are both excellent legal minds.

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I knew he was a monster.

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Toe the line."Towing the line" meant pulling a boat line.

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Grassroots discontent is going to ratchet up do high they won't have a choice.....

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But her e-mails!!!

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