I have a waver.

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actually, we do.

whether or not he or she shuts the fuck up is up to him or her.

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but do you have a waiver?

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i hate to be that guy, but you have to give newt gingrich some credit for passing clinton's budgets. it's been nothing but red-ink budgets and CR's since '99.

you also have to give newt gingrich a bunch of shit for allowing giveaways to big bidness - like the telecommunications act of '96 (which clinton signed) - and for the show trial/impeachment.

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Sorry, I meant to say wafer.

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Puhlease---Do we all have out heads up our asses like Conservative Christian Republicans? I have news for them - The only good Republican is a dead Republican, with apologies to the Indians.

The real question is, "why are there so fucking many idiots in this country?" Do they accumulate here because we are the place where it is easiest to lie, cheat, steal and rape? It is obvious that we are being ruled by traitors that don't give a fuck about the rest of us.

They are called Republicans. They should be shot as traitors, not discussed forever. I am beginning to believe that all politicians are poor excuses for human beings. Willie couldn't keep it in his pants and when you use your little head to do your thinking, you are always going to be in trouble.

There are too many rich people in this country and evidently they have forgotten how to fuck and create babies or their environmental and food pollution is impacting them too much. I guess hiring surrogates did not work out. It is interesting that 42% of males in the US are infertile or produce too little sperm. So, rather than figure out what is going on, it's so much easier to try to keep out immigrants. Now, if they were white immigrants that would be OK. Ah, America what a great country, run by idiots and creeps. I think it was one of revolutionaries of 1890's who suggested that eating the rich was the best we could hope for in terms of dealing with them. But that was before they fucked up the world in their lust and pursuit of wealth.

Oh, in general an apology is saying you are sorry for something you are not sorry for, why waste the air?

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Supported Hillary? Really? Don't care much about the body count, I guess.

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Supported Hillary? Really? Don't care much about the body count, I guess.

Yeah, it's kinda hard to care about a body count of zero.

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Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were interested in the truth.

My bad. /s

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He's apologized about six zillion times. Where have you been?

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Here's a thought; go to Youtube and search "Bill Clinton--apology".

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You said it better than I ever could. Thanks.

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People didn't want a third Bush ,or second Clinton Administration..sorry friends ..Trump fooled many ,thinking he might be a pragmatic leader ..instead we have a monster in office . But Democrats must forget the Clinton's , PLEASE.. especially Liberals who give them to many passes ...they are not Progressive !

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He accelerated the rise of the 1 Percent by signing Welfare Reform , as a ' New Democrat.' A self centered ,slick coward who talks and never says anything by design ..the most Conservative Wall Street Democrat since Grover Cleveland.

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Clinton and Gingrich : Thesis ,anti Thesis , Synthesis .

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What? No argument? I'm disappointed.

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