Sounds fishy to me.

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I hope the right wing nutz keep underestimating Joe Biden.

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JtP would videotape himself hanging out outside the arena for a while, then go home.

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Look, Romney probably isn't qualified to run any Fortune 500 company and Joe the Plumber probably runs a shitty plumbing business. Government is not a business, it does not have the same goals and responsibilities. One thing we can be sure of: stupid people should not run for public office but they're the only ones who want the jobs for the most part.

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May I?

"This guy is so<strike> 4 years ago</strike> never was."

Hows that?

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<i>Who Would Win In A Barfight: Joe The Plumber Or Joe The Biden?</i>

gods of comedy.

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“It was insulting … for Joe Biden to sit there and say who can be president and who not, who’s qualified and who isn’t, is just asinine, especially with the track record they left behind them,”

Holy shit! He just said who can be president or not while complaining that Joe Biden was saying who should be president or not.

Either that was total evil genius bullshit, or he's numb as a hake.

(I'm thinking hake...how about you?)

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