Over and over and over they say this shit. But: WHAT FUCKING SERVER? This is a bullshit conspiracy story that's right up there with bigfoot and alien abductions. Christ on a cupcake, even the stupid is stupid with these clowns.

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Idiots wouldn't know a "server" if it bit 'em in the ass and introduced itself. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Why would they move a server to Ukraine? It's a fucking hard drive. They are everywhere. They could put the fucking thing in front of the White House and they'd still need a sign on it that says "SETH_RICH_MURDER_RECEIPTS" in order to know that's the server. Which, at any rate, doesn't exist.

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...smart, really? His British superiors described him as "virtually bone from the neck up, and needs things explained in words of one letter.” https://www.econlib.org/arc...

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Agreed. You can build a fucking server from a Raspberry PI or Odroid, or use an old laptop running Linux, or an older Mac Mini and it would be fine. We're not talking about hosting a relational database here, or even an online web server; this is a machine running mailserver and it doesn't take much to service a small org.

The stupid is deep in these people. I mean, can't somebody just call their 15 year-old nephew and ask them about servers? Or you know, use my tried-and-true product manager trick: take your engineer to lunch and buy them a burger and a beer, ask them how to run a mailserv, and then shut up and listen. In an hour they'd be well-fed and fully educated.

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I'm just glad that our president is so concerned about corruption in countries that we give foreign aid to, I'm sure he'll bring that up with the prime minister of the country who receives the most foreign aid from us when said prime minister comes to visit next week. I'm sure he'll get to the bottom of all that corruption that Bibi was indicted for right?

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I don't disagree, though I do think Trump does also have the world's most fragile ego — his narcissism and desperate need for approval is legendary. I think it's what made him such an attractive mark for the Russians, he's willing to do whatever they say for some laundered money and the appearance of being a "billionaire dealmaker businessman" like he played on TV during the Apprentice. That he even wants Trump Tower Moscow so bad, and why he couldn't take their dirty $ fast enough when no American bank would rightly touch his deadbeat ass with a 10-foot pole, is part of that. Putin is who Trump wishes he was, honestly.

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The only thing that keeps me sane these days is the fervent belief, based on no evidence whatsoever, that the nuclear codes they gave to Trump are "1, 2, 3, 4."

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Remember, Trump's brain atrophied sometime in the mid 80's. When you say server, he pictures a mainframe with giant tape drives in a big, specially air-conditioned room.

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He can't be fucking asshat. That's Trump. He'd have to be fucking asshat, jr. Wait a minute, that's the president's eldest son. He'll have to be acting fucking asshat.

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As has been demonstrated quite forcefully, the Turkey doesn't give a shit about the American president.

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Yay skuk beer!

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He's got one for sure in Trump Tower talkin' to the Russian banks.

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Reporter: Did Trump order the code red? Did Trump order the code red?!


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Don't worry. Donnie's turning the American military into a merc army, and he's going to run it like a business. We'll be out of the neverending war biz within a month. It'll be 2019's casinos.

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Jack's in jail. He got pinched along with Jane Fonda at a climate change rally in D.C.

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