Faith healing - I have such rage about how bad they make people feel when they turn to the church as they are sick and suffering. How cruel to make them think that if God didn't cure them, well, he has his reasons. (ie they are to blame for not receiving his blessing and favour like that sweet little boy God cured on the youbtube.)

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How is good eating and lots of exercise supposed to prevent illness, when Trump's doctor said my uterine cancer was caused by demons having sex with me in my dreams? I mean, how does one defend themselves from dream demons?

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Exorcism Ricecakes

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Sigh. Mom-in-law has been watching the news, and doesn't want Mrs. Skadi or myself to leave the apartment if we can help it. So she's kindly offered to pay for all our groceries on Amazon until...well whenever Los Angeles is not Plague Central. We've pointed out Whole Foods is overpriced and kinda evil...but she's offering to pay for all our groceries and I'm not sure I have the guts to stand on principle.

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Seems appropriate ...https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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[moved intro to Open Thread.]

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that is a loving mum right there!

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Opioid addiction, also too. If you're hooked, it's your own fault, and why should we help you?

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I know rich people who understand that they are lucky and privileged. That so many CEOs and politicians are fans of Ayn Rand and/or "Prosperity Gospel Christianity" is the plague of our age. It is Calvinism, that the rich are God's elect or genetically superior, blah blah blah...it has always been MALARKY! It is all of our jobs to shame it all into the sun.

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Plainly you need to hire a dream guard. Just make sure they're on your side, and not likely to hang you out to dry when trouble starts.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Thanks for the good laugh!

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Mackey's power is now pretty limited. Whole Foods is 100% owned by Amazon.

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In the civilized world the issue of public universal health care is, and has been for some time, a settled question. Viewed from afar the ongoing debate in the US about health care, driven by those that have to make sure that those that don't have don't get, is akin to such existential questions as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin (the answer for those playing along at home is 17 - 7 monogamous couples and a threesome).

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The easy first step is to not subsidize corn syrup. Sell it as stopping communist farming methods and see how far you get.

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I'm pretty sure botulism is caused by a nerve toxin produced by bacteria, so it could be ingested. Bad example.

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Thanks. We have a pretty good dialogue about all this in Cleveland, in that it does get talked about and those attempting to address it do get heard from; plus I'm a gardener and former food co-op member so this is an issue close to my heart.

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