I'm thankful we made it through the storm unscathed, and had enough room to put up my sister-in-law's family who were flooded out.

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Intelligent snark and witty repartee keep me sane. A big thank you to my fellow Wonketeers!

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I'm thankful I'm smarter now than when I was in my 20s, 30s, and 40s. And just hope I can say the same about my 50s, 60s, and 70s, twenty some-odd years from now.

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I am celebrating the joy of watching my Tea-bagging shit stain lawyer brother in law watch my television as I replay the entire Rachel Maddow show from November 11th while eating my smothered pork chops and drinking my bourbon. It's a fesitvus at the Fartknocker Casa.

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Thar she blows!

Oh! She wouldn't!


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First change, now hope.

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"The"? No. "One of the"? Yes. Along with Vishnu and Ganesha, at least.

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Have yourself a merry little p-ness, y'all.

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Only if you're banging Mona Lisa.

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You might have me pegged for someone else.

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Is Shiva the Hindu deity with extra arms? Could be useful in the kitchen.

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I might but some groceries on Black Friday, but that will be all. The 4 pounds of advertising supplements which came with the newspaper this morning are already in my recycle box.

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