I think it's easier to accept Tiger's horndogginess because we know that his ex and kids are pretty well taken care of.

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I have a comment downstream, but I'll reprise the main point here.

Yes, it was blunt and, arguably, offensive. It was also funny, as in: unexpected, contrary to reason, out of sequence, slightly offensive to common beliefs.

Argument in favor: the amount of background noise that followed the "pit bull" joke. This is never again going to be a serious "issue". It's a joke.

Argument against: I, personally, would have been absolutely delighted to deliver that joke. I am an abysmally bad politician.

Rebuttal to argument against: Barack Obama is not an abysmally bad politician.

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Of course it was. That's why it was funny.

Lizzie, you're not thinking literally, are you?

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I don't have ladyparts, and I thought that was pretty fucking cool.

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My previous (unpublished) reply originally contained several paragraphs about my own marital history, and speculations about whether it would have been different if I had ever made more than $300K a year. (Answer: I don't know, because it never happened).

I didn't even think about the fact that he was trained from toddlerhood to play golf, period. Good point.

Ultimately, my point was that I don't get emotionally invested in the lives of rich celebrities, because they're all going to be as all right as anyone can expect, because of money.

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Oh, Editrix. It is this far into the evening that I looked at the supertitle, or whatever.

Needz moar soy sauce indeed.

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It does raise the question, "who <i>are</i> these guys?"

And why haven't I met them before?

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1. O is absolutely class. He can skewer people, and himself, and grin like it's just a joke, and you'd have to be Mitt Rmoney to not grin back.

2. Clinton is still the epitome of making you believe he gives a shit. (iirc, you are not a big Bubba fan, so this may not be true for you, but it it is still true among the general populace). I have second-hand stories that make it clear that Slick could eviscerate opponents as easily as Obama can, but I believe that somewhen he figured out there is only so much a 6'4" white boy can say without looking like a dick.

3. President Obama versus Governor Rmoney in a debate? Oh please oh please oh please. I mean, fuck, Obama is easily the most thoughtful President we've had in my 64-year lifetime (and, I'll remind you that I'm a big Bubba fan). And Mittens has to be reprogrammed with his current beliefs before every public appearance.

Let me see, how does this go? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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Wasn't that good? There was still audience noise well into his next lines. "Did you hear that?"

That's the sound of a non-issue.

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You have caused me cognitive dissonance, or possibly cognitive wtf. I cannot think if it is George or Groucho, and I refuse (for the drunken moment) to look it up. Or it could be someone else. Gah.

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One of them licks its genitals and eats its own puke, and the other one is a pit bull.

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Apparently hockey moms do it doggy style, which is delicious. Or something.

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Abyss: <waves>

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Also, Sarko's 50 euromegaclam scandal and a really lovely essay from Commie Mom -- if you haven't read it, you oughta.

I was going to ask if you sunburned anything traveling thru Aridzona, but then I remembered that you can't burn through window glass.

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Can't believe Bammers passed on the chance to mention the menu there.

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One could call that performance "counter-Rovian". Instead of attacking his opponent's strengths, he attacked his own media-related weaknesses with jokes. The self-mocking approach wouldn't work well against <i>serious</i> criticism -- e.g., there weren't any drone jokes -- but I think it's very effective at inoculating against bullshit. It's gonna be a little harder for any of the attendees to maintain a straight face while writing something about a hot mike, or the GSA or Secret Service, or canine cuisine, given that O has beaten them to the punchline.

Maybe he overdid the canine angle a little, but did you hear the room noise after the first (pit-bull) joke? "He didn't really say that, did he?" repeated several hundred times. It's now a <i>joke</i>. Some of the attendees will even make jokes about it, but it's no longer an "issue", just a joke.

The only thing I didn't like was the Rmoney video, which was stupid-over-the-top, and, what is worse, not funny (except for "Angel" playing behind Bo). I suppose it might have been a warning shot to Team Mittens, but I thought it broke up the flow.

All in all, I like his writers (which may include him, but I assume that the rigors of Presidenting don't allow enough time to personally craft such a good act).

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