Was there ever really any doubt?

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Just to make things easy for him, he can staple his birth certificate to his tax returns.

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"is that a thing we were funding?"That is ( yet another ) thing the anti-abortionists wanted everyone to believe we were funding, to scare people into going along with any legislation they wanted to get passed. Remember, we're now in a "post-fact" world; it doesn't matter to those they were trying to convince whether it was true or not ( it isn't ).

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We know it wasn't Jeb. He wasn't strangled by it.

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We outsourced the customer service phone banks at my state agency. Rejection rates tripled because the contractor was getting paid by the phone call, so their employees were pressured to get the callers off the phone as quickly as possible so they could take another call. Providing accurate information was not an agenda, and, while the administration could terminate the contract because of that, the contractor was kicking back part of that money as campaign contributions, so not gonna happen.

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You mean like the guy with five kids by three different women?

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Paging Dr. Feelgood. Perhaps we should have had a medical assessment by someone trained to look a little higher than the gut.

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I think they're now referred to as Sphincter statistics.

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so this just happened:

"I have a number of issues I want to touch on which is what normally happens if you take a bunch of Sudafed." ~ TX State Sen. Kel Seliger (R - Awesomillo), TX Senate Finance Committee 1:24 pm 1/24/17

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They'll get paid. The taxpayers pick up these bills, and Trump loves to spend other people's money.

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Susan has been telling people on Twitter to get out and support the Womens March. LOL, I have seen a LOT of people who were "Trump is no worse than Clinton, maybe even a tad better" before the election trying to run to the front of these protests. They have no credibility or honesty.

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How about "never"? Is "never" good for you?

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No, of course it's not. Just like there's no such thing as "partial birth abortions". It's false language inserted to make people THINK it's a thing, so they can then get people all OMG OUTRAGE about the thing that isn't a thing. Old trick.

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You MONST.... Oh, wait.

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You just know that if these marches come off on Saturday, April 15th, the right-wingers will make a big deal of the fact that this years filing deadline is actually April 18th.

That will give them the excuse to ignore the issue - "Stupid libtards can't even get the day right!".

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