Poor Jesse. He just can't quite figure out the secret formula. Tucker gets to say stuff, and no matter how weird or vicious or racist or Nazi or unhinged it is, Lachlan says, Oh Tucker, you're so smart, I don't care how many advertisers we lose, I love you, you're going to be president and together we'll rule the world. But when Jesse tries it, he gets a call from Suzanne Scott or HR or whatever, telling him to walk it back or else. Now he'll never be president.

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Christ, but even by Fox News standards, Watters is a useless piece of shit. He was the jerkoff who would ambush people who didn't like Bill O'Reilly and thought it hilarious that elderly residents of Chinatown struggled with English.

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And better ratings.

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He got in on the Fox Executive Benefits Package, however, dumping his original wife for a younger, Restylaned, more streamlined model from the Fox showroom.

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As a child, was Eric tied to a chair and burned with cigarettes on each of his birthdays by Don Jr. and Ivanka, while Daddy was doing rails with hookers in limousines?

I'm not saying it's true. I'm just asking questions.

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The "denial" a day or two later is a Republican tactic that has greatly increased in frequency the past year. I presume that the foundation of this stratagem is that the initial statement receives headlines and the denial is buried in the fine print on page 23.

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I’d pay a lot more....

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Considering what's happening in MLB (14 positives in the Marlins organization, one game canceled already), my guess is NFL is a year or more away.

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I think Watters probably reads all that QAnon BS all day on his computer. What else does he have to do, besides do racist video segments and have affairs at the office?

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Do the research.

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The last refuge of a scoundrel used to to be patriotism, then it was Fox News, and now it is OANN. Watters should get ready to make the jump.

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Am I the only one who is genuinely surprised that Watters has yet to be named in a sexual harassment complaint at Fox?

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Educate yourself.

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And they usually go to an outlet that their rabid Fox-watching base doesn't read or watch to make that "denial," ensuring the people who need to see it the most never do. It's a CYA tactic, allowing them to point to the "denial" when criticized by more mainstream sources, while never actually correcting it in the minds of the base.

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Wait, wasn't Epstein an habitue of Comet Ping Pong? Probably passed his leftovers on to donnie. Q is starting to make sense! (Drudge sirens?)

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I watched a couple youtube videos on Q this weekend, including Jim Jefferies (Australian Comedian) interviewing four people.

After just two videos I was crying. Crying at where we are as a country right now. Trump. Pandemic. Karen's throwing shit in Trader Joe's.

And these people are obsessed with this shit. Really? Like there isn't anything else to worry about right now other than when JFK Jr. is going to show up.

Fuck the fuck off fuckers.

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