Ain't just you. I never quite saw the appeal myself, and I like me some fried chicken ok.However, the cute illiterate cow commercials were pretty funny

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my work uses bing. I use it long enough to get to google

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just deep fry that there wedding pizza three tiered cake and you may be on to something there

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So sad was Dave Vitter He got off the shitterAnd went to Chick-fil-AHe took to the twitterTo show off his bitterAnd thus made Wonkette's day


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He posted it on Twitter and got some less than flattering responses.

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Chick-Fil-A doesn't use any of them commie librul veggies like lettuce. Nope, the only green thing on that sandwich is a limp pickle.

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Reminds me of what is probably the greatest bathroom poetry of all time, as reported by Sr. Catstro (from our hometown McD's men's room stall)

Here I sitHuffin' and puffin'Squeezin' outThis egg McMuffin

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I think they're ok (I like the weird gross pickle, so sue me) but I stopped eating them when I realized they were blowing me up like a balloon. Like, fat pants not even fitting for a couple of days bloated. SO salty, and so, so much MSG. Not that I necessarily think MSG is a bad thing, not when used in judicious quantities; at Chik-fil-A levels it's clearly being used to cover up the terrible quality of the food.

And I HATE those stupid cow commercials (but have admitted to liking the nasty pickle on their sandwiches, we all have our crosses to bear).

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it really does make the question you ask when you see someone eating everthing in sight "where is she putting it all?" kind of pornish doesn't it?

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I have the utmost respect for someone who can consistently uphold traditional conservative family values while wearing a diaper.

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like arterial occlusion

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Can you imagine thatmanwhore throating deep-fried chicken?

meeting him after for for a dookie dickin’ even when you know it’s Vitter

Can you imaginethat baby what’s the matter? High pressure splatter scatplaymarathon?

The worst thing youever got paid to do.

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Louisiana must be quite a place to keep electing this guy.

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Here I sitSlightly ill aFeeling caused by(Ugh!) Chick Fil-A.

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