Unless someone needs or really wants something and you get it for them, giving a donation in their name instead of a physical present is not being a "righteous dick". The last thing I want is a family member to spend their time buying me some plastic crap from China... I mean unless it literally were a really good fake dog-doo.
I love pointing out to them that the first amendment is about the GOVERNMENT interfering with your speech. as I explain to them, they have the right to announce that they are assholes. I have the right to point out that they are, indeed, assholes. it never occurs to them that it works that way.
When he's reading prepared statements he acts that way -- it's because (in my entirely empirical-evidence-free opinion) that he doesn't understand or trust what he's saying, but is doing it because he's supposed to. Only when he's freewheeling it does he sound like he's enthusiastic. Of course, he's a salesman, and usually rolls through a list of ideas until he gets applause, but his audience buys it and he digs the attention.
When asked how much money he hoped to raise for Planned Parenthood, Androsky said, "My goal is to raise $2,294,642, because that spells out 'bazinga' on a phone keypad."
We need to get the knitting Nannas into action. Organise your life experienced folks, get them snacks and a comfy chair and park them outside organisations / gun shops / wherever you need them. They can sit and chat, read, knit and give stink eye to those who they think need that. They would be peaceful and spread love - baked goods optional. Maybe dont have my nanna there as her baked goods you would end up...er baked. This can include males but the title is an umbrella.Everyone can learn to knit, play the ukelele or do things in peace and harmony but I know I cant behave badly around a senior.
How about a writing a check?
Unless someone needs or really wants something and you get it for them, giving a donation in their name instead of a physical present is not being a "righteous dick". The last thing I want is a family member to spend their time buying me some plastic crap from China... I mean unless it literally were a really good fake dog-doo.
Truth, science, liberal bias, etc etc
Sterling prose, my dear Shillings!
Do they send thank you cards with little nooses from Clue lapel pins?
I love pointing out to them that the first amendment is about the GOVERNMENT interfering with your speech. as I explain to them, they have the right to announce that they are assholes. I have the right to point out that they are, indeed, assholes. it never occurs to them that it works that way.
yes, you certainly did!! kudos to your young man.
When he's reading prepared statements he acts that way -- it's because (in my entirely empirical-evidence-free opinion) that he doesn't understand or trust what he's saying, but is doing it because he's supposed to. Only when he's freewheeling it does he sound like he's enthusiastic. Of course, he's a salesman, and usually rolls through a list of ideas until he gets applause, but his audience buys it and he digs the attention.
and, tampons for trump
sending a donation in idiot rep's name--on black friday, no less.
this is so delightfully sick.
may i steal it?
jesus christ. i will never unsee that and i will blame you, melinda, for the the next four years of elf man transgender horrors.
Great (and funny) story!
When asked how much money he hoped to raise for Planned Parenthood, Androsky said, "My goal is to raise $2,294,642, because that spells out 'bazinga' on a phone keypad."
We need to get the knitting Nannas into action. Organise your life experienced folks, get them snacks and a comfy chair and park them outside organisations / gun shops / wherever you need them. They can sit and chat, read, knit and give stink eye to those who they think need that. They would be peaceful and spread love - baked goods optional. Maybe dont have my nanna there as her baked goods you would end up...er baked. This can include males but the title is an umbrella.Everyone can learn to knit, play the ukelele or do things in peace and harmony but I know I cant behave badly around a senior.
I'm even thinking about paying for a subscription to the NYT when I have a little bit of money this spring.
Those aren't ears!