This is one of the most biased and factually incomplete writings I have read in a while.

This article should be re-written properly, and not remind me of European socialist parliaments.

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I would have been going on a Kansas Cruise, at the movies, eating Filet Mignon with my food stamps, if it hadn't been for Gov. Brownback, who has now taught me how to live on $6.00/day worth of food. (Sorry about the run-on sentence.) And of course, thanks again Gov. Brownback, for limiting my bill paying ability to $25/day. It would be a huge burden on me, and the government, if I could pay for rent/electric/gas, all in one transaction, especially if the banks didn't get their cut... Gov. Brownback, the economic hero of the poors!

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Does the bill ban the poors from using all the monies to buy slut pills?

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Brings up an interesting point, though. There's a L O T of people on assistance who are only able to eat and sleep under a roof because they're working for the well-established underground economy and getting paid in nice, untraceable cash. And of course, said economy doesn't pay taxes either...

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Kansas, apparently, doesn't have any job creators.

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Wasn't that the point?

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But isn't he also screwing over the few government employees left?

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People still live in Kansas?

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Not to mention the disparities in the allocation of voting machines, which makes for hours-long lines in "those" neighborhoods.

Not to mention the whole concept of wedge-issue politics and the advancement of the single-issue voter.

Not to mention "caging" lists and the purging of voter rolls.

Not to mention...

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if they announced "our plan has worked, you are all poor, underemployed and disenfranchised" there would be a huge uprising . . . said uprising would be armed with the glut of weapons they have allowed . . . rifles and pistols.

their police and armed forces would laugh.

i only come out-from-under the tinfoil on days i can convince myself that the majority of the military is still on our side.

[i don't get out much]

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What? You can't use food stamps on cruise ships anymore?


I've got news for you...

Food on cruise ships is FREE


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Yes, but because of the strong prevailing westwardly winds, their beards actually live in Missouri... http://ec1.images-amazon.co...

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Citation or GTFO.

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Leftist extremists = people who point out that there is no evidence of anyone, anywhere, at any time using food stamps on cruise ships. https://33.media.tumblr.com...

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Jante Law ( Norwegian and Danish : Janteloven ) is a fictional law formulated by Aksel Sandemose in the book A refugee crosses his tracks (1933). http://sv.m.wikipedia.org/w...

You must be one of those idiots who think fiction like Harry Potter, Ayn Rand and the Bible is real.


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Well, it's a maximum of $25. If, due to circumstances beyond their control, $20 is the practical maximum, that just means that they'll have to make twenty withdrawals of $20 (plus $20 in ATM fees, and too bad about that $9 that can't be withdrawn), rather than sixteen withdrawals of $25 plus one of $12 (and $17 in fees).

Except, no, not really. They're EBT cards, so they expect them to be used at point of sale; it's just that the maximum that can be spent per day is $25.

It's not really about regulating the use of government assistance. It's about making it simultaneously so frustrating and so humiliating that some people would rather starve. Seems heartless, right? But hey ... if you'd fucked the economy as spectacularly as Brownback, any savings (as long as they weren't at the expense of the sacrosanct wealthy) would look like a godsend.

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