Rupublicans tend to believe the oppidite of what is otherwise recognized as reality.

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I can see the unlucky brainwashed children of religious zealots voting for him. And the more he impersonates Reagan, the more people who are conservative not-zealots will like him. Either way, if Trump goes, and Pence remains, no voters have a say at first.

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I don't even want to think what that might look like.

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Yep. Nope. Jack is into feezpeach so probably not.

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It's getting hard to keep up with all the criming.

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Old white ladies LIBELZ! Stop maligning my people!

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In all this, I just keep thinking what the GOP would do if Obama had done stuff like this -- oh, wait, Obama's presidency never had a single scandal.

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"Tymoshenko isn't squeaky clean .." No, I think she is not, but very few people in the political class in Ukraine are. There's crooks, and there are people somewhat less on the take.

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Color chart?

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This is season four when they jump the shark, right?

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Damn, I really like her.

She's just too uppity, I guess.

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That was in the pilot, on November 9, 2016. This is season four of a show that's had 7 show runners, keeps firing its writing staff, and stays on the air because of one advertiser who keeps pumping money into it, even though no one is watching anymore.

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I wonder how Congress will react to the sequal, Genocide Two-The Kurdish Bugaloo?

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Like Weekend at Bernie's, when Soros dies the GOP will prop his dead ass up simply so they can keep blaming him for everything.

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You will one day be MY people! You can veto me from acceptance in the tribe then, if you are still around!

*does a little dance of youthful advantage... trips over gaming controller.

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It wasn't so much the blowjob as it was lying about it. But yeah, that would be an improvement over goddamn extorting a foreign government to help smear a political opponent.

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