That largest Muslim nation not on the banned list wouldn't have anything to do with Trump's real estate holdings would it? Nopers. And Andy Putz-er was not a YUGE supporter of Donald Trump either. Nuh uh. Do you actually have ANY thinking skills, critical or otherwise Ken Becht? Or do you let alternative fact sites like Dead Breitbart do your thinking for you? Liberalism is a mental disorder? TRUMP IS A MENTAL DISORDER.

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I'm out of polite. Fuck off moron.

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My head is about to explode. Wingnuts now care about homeless children?

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Right, dumbass, that's why Trump called Gholiani and asked him how he could get around that whole pesky Constitution and ban a religion.

Here's a fun fact for you: George W. Bush was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he left office, and Obama has created about 200,000 jobs a month for EIGHT YEARS. Stock market under Bush = MINUS 42 and under Obama PLUS 178%. Hopefully Trump will give you hicks that same stellar performance, and Ryan and Mulvaney are planning on gutting Social Security and Medicare, so I hope you have a couple of million dollars saved up!

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No. They just use them as props when they want to hate on someone else, like refugees.

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I rarely go to Starbucks, but I'm going tomorrow.

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Is that real? Or are you just joshing us? Does your mom know you're using the computer?

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Ignoring who?

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They do, that's what I'm getting to support the cause.

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I used to stay away from Starbucks because I thought they were over-priced but now, I gladly pay a couple extra bucks for their coffee knowing about all of the great programs they support.

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Nice! I now have a happy earworm song in my head. When we replaced the front lawn in our first house (with the help of the new renters/friends) we played this CD on the boombox as we used improvised tools to remove the original sad turf. One tool was a prop made for a production of MacBeth my husband was working on; a circular saw blade embedded in a baseball bat. Great fun! In our current home we seem to also scare the neighbors; we had an archery lane for a bit in the backyard and my husband once gave fencing lessons on the sidewalk out front. He was helping the guy work on the fight choreography for Pirates of Penzance. We had the cast party at our house. We also use the backyard to grow food; we had helicopters circling for the entire first summer since we tried to grow every tomato plant we had space for. We might be a little unusual in suburbia.

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I always liked that they even gave their part time employees health insurance.

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Not at all... our boycott of Starbucks has nothing to do with your issues. Ours involve US corporations operating in Mexico using Mexican products whose profits return to the US (or, is it the Caymans?). That, and a general sense that one should buy from Mexican branded companies rather than those branded in Trumplandia. Especially when there is a choice.

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Get off the crack pipe. You're just another room temperature IQ functional illiterate. Poor thing. --------------------------------------------

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Luzianne libelz!

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So, as soon as I heard this latest inanity, off I went to the nearest Sbux and ordered my usual drink (grande nonfat latte). When the barista asked for my name, I told her it was #theresistance.

A good laugh was had by all.

Seriously, fuck these people. They don't go to Sbux anyway. They won't miss their money.

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