Is there a human driving your account?

Like, seriously, we're way beyond the pee pee tape that Steele hinted at. 2020 just giggles at "discrediting sources from 2016".

EVEN if all this was true, no one gives a shit, given what we're dealing with now. It is DOA.

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The Alchemy Tour was everything a concert tour should be. They took all those songs and made them MORE, especially Sultans of Swing.

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Try this out OJ.It has all your little tid bits from the Hill included:https://www.snopes.com/fact...

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's approval of a deal to transfer control of 20% of U.S. uranium deposits to a Russian company was a quid pro quo exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

RatingFalseDouble Ouch!

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Sneakier than i thought

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Those aren't facts. That's propaganda. Cite your "sources" next time if you dare.

Hopefully there won't be a next time since you'll be banned on sight.



Get out, troll.

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Feeling mighty validated since Joy just had MIKE ESPY ON THE REIDOUT

(I think she reads some of the stuff I write on another site on the sneak. I'm sure she reads Wonkette.)

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The Brookings Institute: a hot bed of leftist/Russian agitprop? Who knew?I guess that explains trumpy's "Russia if you're listening", plea and hisHelsinki performance and the loving smile he has for Vlad every time he sees him and wanting Russia back in the G-8 when no-one else does and the weekly phone calls to Vlad like they're best buds or sumptin and dropping ALL the US sanctions against Russia and turning over 3 American Military bases in Syria to Russia troops on short notice and not once confronting Hillary's bud Vlad on the bounty he put on American troops in Afghanistan and, gee I'm just exhausted with all the crimes that Obama & HRC obviously committed here. Shocking.

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Right. Any source that doesn't uphold your point is fake. The Hill? Really?

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All that time and money sniffing out truffles, and Hil ain't lock-her-upped yet? Sad.

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Hey, did you hear the one about the CURRENT PRESIDENT'S entanglements with prostitutes, porn stars, underage girls, tax evasion, insurance fraud, Russian rubles, and general ratfuckery? I knew you did.

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14,000 comments. 0 followers. Following 0.

Does Uncle Vlad pay you in rubles or bitcoin?

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John Solomon. Why is I no sprised. This is what you call homework?

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If you go down to the bottom of the Snopes article you will find their extensive list of their sources.

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Who the fuck gives a shit?

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