I'm sure you learned many things-mostly good, some not so good-about your new friends. i'm glad firearms weren't needed.

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A happy one.

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That someone of color would back or vote for a racist IS part of institutional racism. The "good ones" are a well known trope.

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Great story, thanks. Of course I'm not saying that online friends could never be real friends, only that real friendships involve more effort and commitment. There are any number of people here I suspect I would like very much should we meet in real life. Funny that some of the folks brought guns though, no?

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Exactly. Because I'm tall and not real dark-complected, strangers don't know that I'm half Mexican, which means I have spent my life overhearing "decent" people say horrible things about Mexicans and other minorities. I enjoy making them extremely uncomfortable about it.

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Fantastic Planet. French/Czech. 1973.

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No, I can't find it on Netflix, because I don't HAVE Netflix.

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Wow. Watching the red blotches break out and move rapidly over her chest and up to her neck was enlightening, all right. She might be better off wearing turtlenecks.

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Thank you. We have literally been told that you can't racism against a white person (she may have said white man, it was a while ago). This was when we reported to a senator's assistant that a certain judge was deciding cases based on race. White men - always a thumbs down. Always. POC or white women? Often thumbs up, sometimes in the face of evidence to the contrary.The senator, BTW, disagreed with her assistant. The senator's detective confirmed that the judge was deciding based on race and gender rather than facts of the case. The judge stayed in his seat, too - and he was not a white man. Word was, he couldn't be removed from his seat because he was a POC.People don't remember to use the adjective every time and it leads to this.

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Just remember that the adjective (institutional) makes it a different sort of thing and I'll be content that we have made a start.

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I should have known that. Thanks Bigby. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Actually, DoILookAmused2u? has been here a long time. So check yourself.

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Probably not going to take much of anything on Wikipedia seriously.

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Oh.... sorry! You could be right, not to mention the hot TV lights. But she could have been on edge from the beginning. It's a silly thing to point to, I suppose, unless we actually see it happening after someone's asked a question.

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I don't recall, actually, but it was the one where Joe was yelling at his constituents. I'm sure it's on You Tube.

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Yes, but I understood why. Going to stay with people you've never met could be dangerous. I didn't bring a gun, but I did bring some apprehension. But it all turned out ok. Real friendship DOES involve more effort, which is why I said we're all still friends, pretty much, LOL!

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