Or, he'll believe them because he knows them.

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Or Ewell was angry and outraged at what he thought was a black man raping his daughter. That was part of the hypocrisy of the social hierarchy: every white man in town could sexually abuse May Ella, she could have a reputation as a slut, but the moment a black man even looked at her funny, the same rapists and johns would defend her white purity.

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'Boo' prevented Ewell from murdering two children. Pretty sure the law takes takes that into account. But he was developmentally disabled in a time and place where few (if any) knew much about the many varieties of mental retardation, autism, or similar conditions. The Ewells were one step up from blacks and lived down to expectations. People respected Atticus. Was there another lawyer who could defend 'Boo' available?

Much easier for everyone to pretend Bob was so drunk he fell on his knife. Keep the city folk out of town business.

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"The Democrats wanted Rosa Parks to sit in the back of the bus! But she stood up and said NO! JUST LIKE BRETT KAVANAUGH!!"

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I've seen this analogy used and I keep thinking, "Kavanaugh isn't Tom Robinson, he's the Ewells." Thanks Dok for laying it out in a way I would've struggled to do.

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We all remember that Atticus Finch was a lawyer who did not believe that a mere accusation was synonymous with guilt. He represented an unpopular person who many people presumed was guilty of a heinous crime because of his race and his race alone.

Ladies and gentlemen, COLIN FUCKING KAPERNICK.

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I have this sudden image of toga-clad cis white straight ex-frat-boys striding forward, chins jutting far enough to use as spearheads, each proclaiming "I am Kavanaugh!"

Alas for them, while all the Spartacus-es could be crucified together, only one Kavanaugh gets to park his fat white ass on SCOTUS to make the lives of us peons more miserable. It ruins the metaphor, man! * sob *

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Grassley did say it this morning.

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Walter White. I mean, Walt Whitman.

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goddamn that's good. bravo.

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These are, by the way, the cream of the Trumpanzee crop at the National Review.

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Same for me. I remember the "oh fuck" moment for me rereading Macbeth- where Lady Macbeth says, centuries before Freud, she would have killed Duncan herself but he looked too much like her father.

Then later I read De Quincy on the porter's scene and... Wow.

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You really do have to be a dinosaur fossil connoisseur to be able to tell one ossified turd from another.

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My favorite book is "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress".

And I can talk about it, too.

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