I know what to do! Let's spend seven trillion bucks on the military industrial complex so we can kill people overseas and jack shit on domestic spending because our constituents will only blow the money on drugs.

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Hey dumbfuck, this site doesn't engage in your kinda spamshit.

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Some spam fuck is spamming me.

NorahFlores → glenglish • 4 hours ago

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Not sure if it will help, as I don't have a link to them within a wonkette article, but I just reported Norah Flores as spam via disqus.

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He won't do it, but he should absolutely mention that the GOP all voted against the bill that is providing funds to prevent things like this.

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I see the usual gang of idiots are already claiming that Democrats deliberately collapsed the Pittsburgh bridge to coincide with Joe's visit.

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jet fuel cant melt bridges?//??!111!!!!! hokes

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and none of them are his

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"Let's all take a few minutes to remind ourselves that government is what we do to make sure the roads don't fall apart under our buses, and that if a disaster like that does happen, there'll be rescue crews and ambulances and hospitals to help. It's something that only one of this country's parties seems to be interested in not be actively opposed to these days."

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Of course! Why wouldn't they?

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Pittsburgh bridges falling down, falling down, falling down,Pittsburgh bridges falling down, let's blame antifa.

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A few of the Republicans did vote for the (minimally) bipartisan infrastructure bill.

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When you are President, you are also Commander-in-Chief. That means you can get Seal Team 6 to demolish a bridge for a photo op.

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