It's a deal. I may even bake muffins.

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Along with Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

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Could be both. I never heard it until people on the right started using it as a derogatory term, but I'm finding links to ancient (2020) articles about it as an antonym for complacent.

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most of the time, yes

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Closeted gays used to be denied security clearances, because that was an avenue for blackmail. And then when some of them offered to come out -- removing the threat of blackmail -- they were still denied security clearances, because "moral turpitude". 🙄🤬

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He likes underage girls, he has said so, in late night drunk calls, to the shock-Jock Bubba the Love Sponge.

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I suspect his biological donor is someone else. His "she has a son" quote, seemed accurate.

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A Medicare fraudster Evangelist type.

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I, for one, refuse to be distracted from GaetzGateâ„¢ by this BS. Hunter Biden holds no office in his dad's administration.

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Her mom is a grifty fuck too, who expected some hairdresser to comp her work because of who she was, and Tiffany got her nose in the trough as well.

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Thank you for that. I am still unclear as to why Hunter can't just say what actually happened?

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Remember, she chased Donald, when he was still married to Ivanna the horrible. She always was a gold-digger.

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Also, what a waste of two lady partners. Perching them like that, facing away from each other.

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Fairly certain he does that the second the red light turns off. or atleast mentally.

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My step-daughter named her kid that. She loves "To Kill a Mockingbird."

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Okay so I'm admittedly not a super social person but I have literally never heard my liberal friends ever use the term woke where as my annoying coworkers (the entire lot of them are trumpistas) use it to complain constantly. Is it just my social circle is boring engineer lefties or is this really a term the right made up or exaggerates for mental self flagellation?

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