We weren't confused about Johnson's insane tax!

We knew it was never going to help the homeless, of which there are about an actual 6,000 living on the streets of Chicago according to the best estimates of the experts.

That money was going to be used by Johnson to give his insane buddies in that rotten to the core teachers union a huge raise!

That tax was going to cause rents to rise for anyone whose building got sold, since almost every multifamily building in the city is worth more than $1 million, the point at which the tax is increased.

The sad facts are that Johnson is incompetent & is lost at sea when it comes to being a government leader.

If there was a recall law in Chicago, it would get overwhelming support because so many of the people who voted for him, now realize they made a terrible mistake!

And no one will ever know if anyone voted "Gaza" because Illinois doesn't count votes for non declared candidates.

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i voted 'yes' but only because i hate rich fucks who live next door to me and i want them to pay all the taxes when my delightful little 115 year old house is sold for a tear down.

also, robyn i hope you were in graciela's state sen district (i'm just to the east of her). i worked with her for many years and she rocks. that lady is GOING places.

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Well, "Bring Home Chgo" tanked 'cuz MOST of the burden of the $1.5M and above "McMansion Tax" would be born by commercial real estate-office buildings and (yes, renters) apartment buildings, and not McMansions. Commercial R. E. vacancies are generally sky high, thus they're tanking and can ill-afvord the tax; and most apartment building owners I know aren't really making Cayman Islands laundering-type bank, so they're gonna vote for a tax increase? Find a way to make actual rich fucks pay. Then it'll get passed.

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If it was Todd in SD,CA that $$ would go to his PR team, endless self accolades & self congratulatory press conferences about his efforts while actual residents, housed & unhoused, continue trying trek around the literal feces, dirty used needles & foil wrappers, & garbage & tent cities unhygenically littering the sidewalks DT & most of the expensive tourist beach communities. I often walk rescue husky down middle streets trying not get hit by cars cuz sidewalks are impassable … Todd wants U know he’s doing Great Job though, once upon a America’s Finest City, now literally Todd’s filthy shithole grrrrr

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Ta, Robyn.

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I've been having second thoughts about the $25 a month I toss in the general direction of my city's anti-homeless organization, since it's been rife with corruption, several programs have fallen through, the tent city is getting shut down, and I still see a sign for someone who is homeless at every other intersection.

This month, the name of the org changed. And I found out one of my husband's colleagues has been elected to the board, and they're going to give another go.

So I'll keep my subscription for a little while longer, and see if they get any better.

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No. It's the children who are wrong.

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Thoughtful post, Robyn, but don't overlook how this could also be seen as a referendum or poll or whatever on Brandon Johnson, who frankly is off to a terrible start as mayor.

Being vague and uncommunicative, especially regarding the specifics of what he wants to do, is getting to be his style. And people don't like it.

They think he's fumbling the issue of the migrants pouring into Chicago from the Greg Abbott Fuckhead Express. They were confused by his decision to stop using ShotSpotter, a controversial "gunshot locator" technology -- but only in six months, after the Democratic National Convention is over. Speaking of that convention, as it draws closer, I for one hope he gets a lot more decisive about things like security.

IOW, his heart seems to be in the right place, but he's an amateur, and it shows. I think that might be a large part of the reason people didn't trust him about this.

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The reason homelessness isn't going to be fixed has to do with the fact that capitalists want something to threaten people with - "take our lousy pay for your labor or you'll be out on the street!"

See: workhouses

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I think that the homeless explosion has been caused by the people who have turned residential housing into investment properties. They have created this problem and they are the ones who should be taxed heavily, to the point that they get out of this racket.

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Whar boot pix?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I would prefer to see a land value tax instead of taxing the building on the property. That way, landlords couldn’t pass the tax on in the form of higher rent.

That’s my journey with Georgists

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after Daley sold the parking meters and the skyway toll, it's not exactly surprising that people's wariness is being taken advantage of.

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I mean, I can see the point about not handing a city government that couldn't manage a lemonade stand without committing some sort of graft a big pile of money without crystal-clear instructions on what to do with it.

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𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙜𝙤 - Robert Johnson


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Those boots are made for walking, maybe, but primarily for kicking ass and taking names.

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