Why has the Daily Callgirl not yet gone the way of <em>Crossfire</em>?


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Without going to the trouble of checking, I'll bet Tucker Carlson was one of the cheerleaders for nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan. But his fellow citizens, overwhelmed by economic and natural storms, surrounded by the wealth of the most prosperous nation on earth, are left to fend for themselves.

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If greed, selfishness, ignorance and cruelty are wrong, Neil Munro doesn't want to be right.

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Jesus Jumped Up Christ...commencement speeches...footballs. This shit is never going to end, is it? And by never, I mean never. 20 years after Barry's second term these idiots will still be pouring over pictures of the prez throwing footballs through copies of his birth certificate.

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Is it just me, or are the right wing nutz showing the sweaty brow of total desperation?

I don't want to get over confident here, but if this is the best they got they don't got much.

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pearl clutching, dropped fans, the vapours....

every day the republican party becomes more like scarlett o'hara.

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