I don't see how any of this helps him institute Sharia Law here in the US.

I kinda figure that if he were going to go all Nazi on us and take dictatorial powers, he mighta done <em>something</em> by now...

Guess that just shows how much of a Sheeple I am...

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If Mr. Obama hates rich people why did he invite a bunch of millionaires to visit him at the White House this morning (Monday, 07/29/2013)?

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<i>Obama is FINALLY letting his socialist freak flag fly</i>

"Socialism" is the code word wingnuts use because they can't use the word they really want to use. If you pressed them for a meaning of socialism, they'd probably tell you it has something to do with liking fried chicken.

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Are you sure on the Summers deal I was thinking he said Larry Flint

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yeah, it's so weird. those scandals... not hearing much. seems like they're not getting covered so much. it's almost like...i don't know... they were entirely made up for political purposes in the absence of anything substantive.


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i'm waiting for the 'another train crash in europe' to get trotted out.

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