"Why are you still wearing a mask?"

"Because we know just how much it pisses you off to be reminded how all your temper tantrums about not wearing them accomplished diddly-squat!"

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More like: "One thing for sure is that you cannot trust these anti-vaxxers and anti-mask idiots to be honest when asked if they have been vaccinated ever."

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Perfect response. "I'm wearing a mask to Troll the wingnuts."

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There is a COVID variant that has showed up in the county, so masking is not just polite, but prudent.

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Dang, I wish mine worked that well. Luckily my sneeze reaction seems to be mostly over for this year, but about a month ago it was just as bad as any other year.

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And slightly sad that the bar for "more virtuous than you" continues to be that low.

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"...(Biden's) immediate predecessor face-planted into COVID-19."

Had The Former Guy done what the actual scientific and medical experts told him to do about C19, he might still be The Current Guy.

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I prefer "It protects me from the overwhelming stench of stupidity that wafts from you like an exploded can of AXE body spray."

(Which is reason #1 why I will never run for office.)

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If anyone challenges me about my mask, I will summon the power of my chronic bronchitis and spend 2 minutes sounding like I'm about to cough up a lung. If they are still there, I'll look up and say, "sorry, what were you saying?"

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And a floor wax.

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Or maybe they are British and hiding their teeth. https://www.bbcamerica.com/...

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Hey heh......Do that meself 😈😈

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Yes, but we appreciate your snark here.

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Are you Pete incognito? https://youtu.be/ZX-tRTD1lqU

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Wingnuts hate everyone who isn't just like them. Putting on a mask makes you different, so they hate you. If Trump had become the Champion Mask Wearer of the World in March of 2020, they'd be hating anyone who wasn't still wearing a mask while eating a Big Mac in May of 2021. It's not a rational position, it's a statement of hate.

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https://www.facebook.com/pe... Not a group, but that doesn't mater to Mr. Martin.

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