Why Does Pot Make You Hungry? Ask Science! Tabs, Thurs., April 25, 2024
Morning news roundup!
What are we reading this morning? It’s tabs!
AZ Republicans running scared, crazy-ass abortion ban edition! (Abortion, Every Day)
Why aren’t the MAGA showing up for their god king Donald Trump? Amanda Marcotte has some theories about what they’re willing to do violence for, and a guy who can’t even do frauds and bang sex ladies with impunity isn’t worth actual consequences. (Salon)
This is truly sad: The guy who died after he lit himself on fire at the Trump trial last week sure sounds schizophrenic, and his conspiracy theory manifesto was about “The Simpsons.” (Yahoo)
Shield your eyes from this accursed headline. I SAID SHIELD YOUR EYES!
“How ‘The Nelson Mandela of America’ Is Making Bank Off His Criminal Trial”
Well I told you.
This here donate button allows you to give any amount, one time or monthly, that you like. It counts as “paid subscriber” if you do it monthly. And if we get to 5200 from our absolute standstill of 5052, you get a prize! I have no idea what it could be, it’s cats.
The Gateway Pundit has declared bankruptcy. That stupid idiot used to have more readers than God. I don’t know if he still has any since Facebook stopped (?) pointing the money train at rightwing Goebbelses like him and Ben Shapiro, or if he still has some but the pennies on the dollar that online ads now pay are no match for the grasping talons of our beloved heroes Miss Ruby and her daughter Shaye, who are suing all fuck out of him for being a poisonous piece of shit who sics his readers on innocent Black women for fun. But I think Rudy already tried to file bankruptcy against their terrible mean liberal attacks, when he lost a $148 MILLION “liberal lawfare” defamation verdict, and it was explained at that time that the answer was no. (Mediaite)
The New York Times called Mad Marge a “poo-flinging chaos monkey,” so that’s new I think? (Gift link NYT)
Digby is really impressed that Joe Biden, Mike Johnson, and the rest have been able to get so much done over Marge’s dead body. (Salon)
Wait a minute and I mean waaaaait a minuttttteeee, Dems in Idaho are contesting every legislative seat? IDAHO? HUNDRED SEAT STRATEGY! (I don’t actually know how many seats there are.) Bless. (Politico)
“Right Flight.” Ellis and Steve consider all the Volk folks moving to South Carolina, in prequel to The Split. (The Split but like a blog not the serialized novel I bought you.)
I will drink your strawberry cocktails, The Wine Guy! (The Wine Guy)
Hey science, why does pot make you snacky? Kthx. (Food and Wine)
Somebody yesterday took umbrage at having to read an *entire paragraph* every day about how we are partnered with Martie. Well, that’s a shame. ALSO, for the rest of the month, Martie is doing a li’l raffle of $100 each day for anyone who completed an order the day before. This is an ad. Also: Such good SNACKS!
If you are shopping on Amazon anyway, using this link gives us a small commission on everything you buy until you check out (unless you close the tab first, obviously).
Header gif quickie info: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/soda-pop-kitty
Arrests did you say? Under the bell tower? Was someone climbing with a rifle? No? Just saying that Palestinians should have food and maybe not get run over by tanks quite so often?
How very dare they.
Looks like I'm writing more about student protests this week.
Surprise, surprise it turns out that the university presidents' club includes a fair few members who love violence and hate the freedoms Americans have to speak and peaceably to assemble.
This is my shocked face.