For the same reasons a chicken would vote for Col. Sanders.

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So this huckster wants to put God in every bar in America? I'll be the first one to say his crappy beer isn't going to do the trick.

First of all, Mr. Sessions should be worried about making sure God is in every church where He belongs. It is my strongly held personal opinion there are far too many religious establishments that have forgotten that part (Westboro Baptist,you can start!) - the whole thing about don't judge Jesus by "Christians." Particularly those who perceive a ready buck in yelling to the world they are true Christians. We have enough of those frauds in politics to last a lifetime.

Then it would be a whole lot quicker to accomplish his goal by putting a bar in every church.

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<i>The only reason a rich person would ever be a liberal is because they love to see the underclasses suffer, unlike rich conservatives who only hate taxes because of their compassionate concern for the welfare of the poor. </i>

My head just exploded. Thanks, dicks.

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“I’m losing money, that’s why I’m suing,” he said. “I’m going to spend every nickel I got on this deal.”

Yeah...I know that when I'm hemorrhaging money, I plan to hemorrhage more...for FREEDOM!

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Jesus would drink HemoLager - the beer made with real human blood!

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Dear me...Geller is quite the shrill cunt isn't she?

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