I still don't get it. The IRS makes a distinction between political groups and social welfare groups. Conservatives are complaining that IRS scrutinized groups that had Tea Party, which is a political party, in their name. Wouldn't that kind of hint that the group might be political? Call me crazy.

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The whole 501c4 designation is an abomination.....having served on three of them in times past, even the good ones are open to a whole lot of nefarious political craptiddy...

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Fine. You're crazy.

What I don't understand is why the IRS didn't just deny the applications outright. If the Bagger groups still wanted the tax-free status then they could appeal it for a judicial determination.

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At least AZ and all the Islands Mon have a reason: don't need more heat & SUNSHINE in the afternoons. Indiana's only reason was ignorance...

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They're supporters of a tiny government with huge powers to make sure everybody toes their petty lines.

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Greatest hits right in their own crotch.

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Coyote LIBELZ!! Wile E. has a goal that he aims for relentlessly. The Rebs flail their little fists about randomly mostly succeeding in breaking each other's toys. Trey may never forgive them for calling his hard work of breaking Hillary a stunt.

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Make it a running tab on the crawl.

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Registered as a Demoncrat?

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Should have just stopped at the first picture there. GOP=chickenfuckers. 'Nuff said.

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How strange...

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Well done!

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Extra points for Buff Nordic Jesus - brilliant!

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These House dim bulbs can hardly manage to tie their shoes let alone go to work on what they were put there for, you know, like that writing legislation thing. And anything associated with Darrel Issa is blatant republican dumbfuckery under black lights. Yes bullshit glows in the dark.

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Republicans want a government so small it can get inside each-n-every e-mail ever written, by anyone. Small! Very small! Tiny goverment, like nano-probe small!

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