Once he's in them, whatever they are, they're definitely tights.

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Wouldn't that be more like an eclipse?

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Meh ... I'm nothing, if not patient.

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<i>"It is a fact of science that nothing correlates closer than stupidity and youth,” said Jonah.</i>

Untrue. Stupidity and conservatism, on the other hand? <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2012\/01\/27\/intelligence-study-links-prejudice_n_1237796.html" target="_blank">Scientific fact. </a>

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Oh look, it's that hot new crime fighting duo Camel Toe and Spider Bulge.

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I call shenanigans! That's too well written and coherent to be done by JK. I listen to Jamie and his wife Allison's podcast often and the only thing he usually contributes to it is an on-going dialog about his dick and interupting whatever the topic is to announce and give play-by-play when one of his cats walks into the room.

Allison (who is a very talented <a href="http:\/\/www.thenation.com\/authors\/allison-kilkenny" target="_blank">journalist</a> in her own right) must have written that for him.

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“It is a fact of science that nothing correlates closer than stupidity and youth,”

Another basic fact of science, when a flabby guy rushes you pivot out of the way and administer a push between the shoulder blades...gravity.

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I can almost hear the sound, something like a wet thumb being drawn across the surface of a balloon.

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It's pronounced "Kyl-schteen".

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<a href="http:\/\/www.bostonherald.com\/track\/celebrity\/view\/20120602desperate_housewives_west_wing_actress_kathryn_joosten_dies_at_72\/" target="_blank">Mrs. Landingham from "The West Wing" died for real.</a>

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So definitely not this <a href="http:\/\/static.tvtropes.org\/pmwiki\/pub\/images\/bill-goldberg_8740.jpg" target="_blank">Goldberg</a>.

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Fight dirty. Go for his Truck Nutz.

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<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/goldberg.jpg" target="_blank">This guy.</a>

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Max Cleland could beat the shit out of Jonah Goldberg.

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I like Fuckyouupstein. "What's my name? Yeah, Roscoe Fuckyouupstein." Kinda makes me want to write a screenplay so I can put that in.

And welcome, new editor Jamie Kilstein, in case your presence has been noted here previously in my absence.

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Your name "Kill-stein" is going to be a hurdle, obviously.

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