Thank God my Tivo has the skip feature so I won't even have to fast forward through the shit storm of campaign commercials that will inundate every single teevee program this fall.

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Seriously. Drumpf's decided to treat Fox News the way he treats Chris Christie.

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That was before Hillary won big on Tuesday. Now, she's the fount of all evil.

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Mine came from Jane Fonda, but it wasn't anything that you'd have to declare on your taxes, if you know what I mean.

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YEP!All women are magic!

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Naw, mang. Wasn't sayin' that. I loves me some Hillz. Loved Bernie more, but I always loved her, since she tried to get health care for all in the 90's. Just saying her words were good enough by themselves, she doesn't need to yell them.

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I actually agree with you under most circumstances that trying to censor people is stupid. I even think neo Nazis should be allowed to hold their marches. The reality is that people have also disrupted Bernie's rallies. A guy interrupted a speech by President Clinton because he wanted to scream about the faux Benghazi! scandal. When Clinton tried to talk to him, the guy just kept screaming. With all that being said, at least people on the left aren't stupid enough to think cutting taxes on the wealthy is going to solve our national debt. Nor are we dumb enough to believe that forcing poor, minority women to give birth to children they don't want is somehow a good idea. Plus we believe in actual science, and facts, like climate change is real. What I'm trying to say to you is that censorship is bad, but Republicans are raging lunatics who reap what they sow. Trump wants violence, so he gets violence. No other candidate has had anywhere near the level of violence Trump has encouraged.

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Alinsky tactics!

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Same here! I know we're not allowed to comment, and even if we were, we wouldn't be allowed to wish violence on anyone, but oh how I'd love to cook up a nice batch of popcorn and sit back and enjoy that show.

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Something something argle bargle BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!

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The ole "Scalia Benghazi Vince Foster" pillow trick again? Damn, she needs some new material.

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She's murdered Vince Foster and Chris Stevens, because reasons, so who knows how many others she's killed on her climb to the presidency?

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I used to be just like you! Then my friend's mate told me about being a mercenary soldier in the War on Christmas. It's a yearly gig AND you get paid $98 an hour just by working from home on the Internet. You'll have a new BMW in no time at all. Go to tinyurl.com to learn more about becoming a millionaire in your pajamas.

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Did you maybe miss the part where he said he had no intention of harming Drumpf? He made that clear both on social media before, as well as to reporters after.

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Talk about yer 8-dimensional chess!

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