Literally he has to review and sign executive orders, meet with Congressional leaders, try to schedule votes for the best possible time, interview Cabinet members.

And there is literally a fucking press secretary to do this.

He also never works on the plumbing or touches up the paint.

He is doing his job.

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It doesn't come in "baggy."

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Post has become unreadable.

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Many people* are saying that he came from Cesar Chavez's opulent pleasure palace in Wilmington that was built with ChiCom $$$ and that there are no known pictures of him as a child!*That's me, I'm the many people.

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That guy walks around DC, or did 20 years ago. A buddy of mine had some business with him once.

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Did you not notice the daily press briefings? Or does it not count unless he comes out in person to do what his press secretary is supposed to be doing?

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I, for one, am glad that Biden is doing his damn job. I looked up the job description for POTUS, and it didn't say anything about holding press conferences at a frequency deemed appropriate by the press.

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Yawn. Biden authorizes one strike against psycho militia bases, and it's 'unsavory shit.' Sorry the world isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Must be the centrist's fault. Maybe Bernie woulda just waved his magic wand and the bluebirds would sing again?

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Ahhh, the boundless carping of the perennially sanctimonious Canadian. Holding your gold and uranium mining companies, and your dirty tar sand oil companies, accountable for their atrocious environmental record and continual U.S. pressure lobbying might be more helpful than demanding we govern every other country o earth. But I get it, you're all just bored with your own politics, and generally silent regarding any meaningful international sanctions by your own elected officials.

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"Gaffe," also known in beltway press language as 'calling out assholes for being assholes.'

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But, but, but, how is each talking head supposed to get a close-up of them asking the same 'conventional wisdom' penetrating question as the last five talking heads? Now if they ever actually asked about a policy detail...

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I am sure it does not approach your boundless energy for infinite bad faith.

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lolBut you're johnny on the spot with unneeded advice. Take care of your own side of the street.

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i know.

Maybe they should try to actually cover a atory?

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I buy that

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