Nononooo, the right to do anything springs from the CHRISTIAN Gawd, Who gave the Founding Fathers permission to use His name for credit in their constitution. So obviously these here rights only apply to Christians.

[Intense Shapiro death stare]

O, alright -- <i>Judeo</i>-Christians.

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Tagg actually looks kind of menacing, whereas Ben just looks stupid.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/08\/14\/japan-lap-pillow_n_3751417.html" target="_blank">Turning Japanese, eh?</a>

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Ben is taking the same position on <i>Smith</i> that every other conservative does when it is mentioned - because it disagrees with them, they erase it from their minds.

Meanwhile, I wonder how many of his Harvard classmates feel their degree is cheapened by his possession of one.

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The right wing nutz haven't explained why sincere, religious conscientious objectors have to pay Federal income taxes to support the US Military.

Unlike bigots who try to hide behind some crackpot religious theory, those wanting peace and refusing to fight are actually part of real religions.

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Want some fun? Click on Amazon and go visit the "reviews" of Bennie's books.

Fun tymes!

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Sincere religious belief for Christians would mean "closed on Sunday". I somehow doubt many bidnesses will pass that test.

As I've said before, if they accept prayer for payment they can be as discriminatory as they want. But if they're using money, it's commerce not religion.

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You can't let a kid into Harvard and then<i> not</i> give him all As.

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My right to practice religion does not spring from the government! Now tell me why the government should have the right to encroach on my practice of child neglect/animal cruelty/human sacrifice/3:00 AM fireworks/[insert insane religious practice of your choice here]?

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Baby Ben forces us to wonder: Is our children learning (law)?

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Shapiro concluded with a solemn vow to uphold the awful, unintelligible,anger-inducing quality of his past tweets.

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It says plainly in the Old Testament:

Leviticus 18:22: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination and thou shalt get no cake!

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Tom Delay did say God wrote it.

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