I'm not even sure Nino <em>is</em> "slightly to the left of Genghis Khan"

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Because everyone knows there was <em>nothing</em> Fascistic about the Nazis.

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Isn't that vaginally <em>enhanced</em> (like the interrogations)?

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Sure, Genghis ruthlessly conquered half of Eurasia, leaving mountains of skulls and depopulated cities in his wake, but he ushered in an era of relative peace, religious freedom, and an efflorescence of cross-cultural contact. What did Hitler give us? A mustache style? Pfhaw!

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Yes, if only those judges could have stopped Hitler's reign of terror by holding to the eternal verities Antonin Scalia holds dear! I can see Herr Fuhrer now, shaking his fist in frustrated fury. "I would have killed all those Jews, if it weren't for those meddling judges and their court orders! You win this time, judges, but I'll be back!"

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So this guy is really up on the goings-on of the last years of the Weimar Republic? Really? And he has the cause nailed to to the judiciary? Yeah, that would do it. Especially if you had gone through a revolution 10 years before, had out-and-out murderers and thugs marching down the streets and beating up people who were not sufficiently "respectful" and the Great Depression had started. The judges did it. I cannot think why I thought this guy was a dangerously smart right winger when he is really just a right wing nut job like the rest.

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<i>we gonna be doing one thing and one thing only: killin nazis. sound good??!!??!</i>

i guess the good part of all this nazi talk is it always reminds me to watch the cinema scene again.

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Tony, you fuckyard. Barry's term is over in two years. Can you stop pissing your pants and demonstrate a little patience and decorum?

I thought not.

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1 large cactus 1 bottle <a href="http:\/\/store.davesgourmet.com\/ProductDetails.asp\?ProductCode=DAUI" target="_blank">Dave's Ultimate Insantiy Sauce</a> (TM) 1 vindictive far-right Supreme Court "Justice"


1. Spread sauce evenly over cactus 2. Insert cactus forcefully and completely up Supreme Court "Justice"'s anus.

Serves none because <em>gross</em>.

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Ray Kelly?

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And because we all have a special time-travelling mind-reading machine which allows us to know what people who've been dead for over 200 years meant when they were writing their intentionally vague language, as if all contributors meant the same thing.

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Yes, because German courts were so free to make independent decisions in Hitler's Germany. Pick up a textbook you moran.

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Wait, the motherfucking douchebag who says that it's perfectly OK, nay desirable, to shit all over gay people because "immoral and unacceptable" is whining that <em>other</em> judges going all Sharia-y?

Fuck that guy.

With a large cactus smeared with Dave's Ultimate Insanity sauce.

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Note that he says that Germany was the most advanced nation <em>at the time of the Holocaust</em>

Once he takes his tongue out of zombie Hitler's ass, he'll nazsplain to you how awesome Adolf made a once-shattered nation great.

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<i>judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age</i>

That's just hysterical, coming from a schlep who hasn't based a legal decision on anything but his own personal prejudices since he landed his cushy job.

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That would be "Freund".

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