And this is why I get seethingly, incoherently angry when the conservatards tell me that the only reason people have morality and ethics is because of God.

If those are the 'morals and ethics' that flow from your 'God', I don't want to be anywhere near that asshole. I'll take my heathen 'morality and ethics' over yours any fucking day of the week.

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Unless you happen to be blah. Then it's goodbye forever.

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It's science fact that there is no cure for pedophilia. None. Ever.

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So have I... sad but true.

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probly too drunk to get it up. if he ever sobers up, some poor chicken is gonna be hurtin.

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yeah, he was supposed to restore honor and integrity to the office of the Speaker. and didn't that go well

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Why do you think he's crying all the time?

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If Hastert schlepped along for that many years in government without anyone ever bringing this up, you gotta wonder what the rest of the genital-obsessed Republican congresscritters have been hiding from their pasts.

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Now, in the circle of life, someone will likely be using that move on him.

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Understood, but as PubOption pointed out, this case is like Al Capone's tax evasion. Al didn't get life for tax evasion even though everyone knew he was a murdering bastard - he did 7.5 yrs.

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it's like the circle of life except this Hastert and Calone circle is unethical as all fuck, corrupt as a mutherfucker, and deserving of punishment.

and yes the jail sentence is for his money laundering ways...but that child molesting finally caught up to him and this frail old shitbag gonna die in jail and not in a comfy hospital room or old farts home. syphilis got Capone, let's hope Death is even crueler to Hastert.

i have zero pity for family values child molesters.

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That is just...awesome!!!

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Well, Denny might have to go to prison. Well bless his heart!

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"... and then spend the rest of the day drinking."

Obviously, because it's a day.

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I always suspected the way they vote in lockstep, so reliably.

Blackmail might actually be the answer.

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As much as I agree with you, that isn't the way it works. Hence the original warning.

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