I demand the right to seat my representatives in my GF's lower chamber.

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Wait, do you mean pillows filled with donuts or the squishy cushion one puts on the toilet seat when one is suffering from hemrrhoids ? I need to know because it makes huge difference in my willingness to support this.

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For "conservatives" they sure keep offering radical solutions and want to change a lot of shit, don't they?

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While I largely agree with your analysis, note that Oakland would actually be in "Silicon Valley".

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The thing is, these would be (very hypothetically) <i>states</i>, not sovereign countries, so they would have to obey contract law. So all the water rights held by the folks on the west side would still apply. And the urban (richer) states would be able to pay more that the ag states for future rights, so the free market would cause problems for farmers, unless the ag states decided to pass state laws forbidding selling rights to the urban states (there's your free market at work).

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YOU get a governor's mansion, and YOU get a governor's mansion, and YOU get a governor's mansion, and YOU get a governor's mansion, and YOU get a governor's mansion, and YOU get a governor's mansion.

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<i>Well we're movin' on up! (Movin' on up!) To North Californ-ee-aa! (Movin' on up!) To some libertarian pie in the sky!</i>

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William Levitt?

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That guy sounds just like every teen-aged newlywed couple, "We don't need a plan, <strike>true love</strike> the free market can make it through anything!"

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Heads will explode when one of the statelets declares Spanish to be its official language.

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