Stephen, I enjoy your writing (like many of the Wonk writers) but please don't bring up "Trump's ass" unless you're going to nail a Billboard or his prisoner # to that double-wide caboose! Preferably, the latter.

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Fluffy, great euphemism for what lies ahead for you, my friend. Good luck!

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better :-)

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<nelsonmuntz>Ha, ha!</nelsonmuntz>

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The New York Times has announced it is forbidding AI developers from using it’s content to improve AI algorithms. Overall this sounds like a good thing. Who wants an AI algorithm that thinks like the NYT?

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Too late!

The NYT is its own AI.

Honestly, any Richard Brooks column could be churned out by a program that generates random words, which would save him the trouble of hiring another lissom research assistant.

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Trump is trotting out his normal catch phrases in response to the Georgia indictments. "Witch Hunt" "Rigged" "Election interference" "Unfair" "Nasty", etc. He has been regurgitating those phrases nearly everyday for so long that they have lost any impact. Does he really think the 736th time he says "Witch Hunt" that it will change anybody's mind?

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He doesn't even care about others to that extent. He's just a toddler stamping his teeny weeny feet and yelling, "NO FAIR! YOU'RE MEAN!" over and over again.

Your *comment* has put more thought into his motives than TFG has.

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NYT: Trump Limited Vocabulary Resounds with Idaho Village Barflies.

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I am far from an expert, I guess, but in my decades of teaching teenagers and helping them shape their writing, my observation is that Trump has an extremely limited vocabulary.

I have not seen any extensive reporting on his education, though I know he went to the elite Wharton School, but my assessment is that

1) He likely never cracked a book in college. He strikes me as so thoroughly uneducated that he may (must) have paid someone to take exams and write papers for him.

2) He has never read a book above the level of Harold Robbins or maybe in his more intellectual moments Tom Clancy. And he has not read one at all in the past 40 years.

3) I am disturbed to see that Trump makes use of a character trait that I myself use to great advantage in dealing with my students: persistence. He reminds me of that scene from "Casino" where Nicky is explaining to a banker how he does business. Like Trump, he just keeps coming back, keeps coming back, until he wears people down.


Language in all its aspects is a particular interest of mine, and it is a "Symphonie des Grauens" to track the language of trump and his followers.

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last night I gave the abridged version of the pardon sitch on the Twixter to one of those jaded naysayers, and he came back with "but what if..."

I said if your default setting is "everyone is crooked all the time", then go ahead and worry about it. I repeated what SER mentioned, that Kemp ain't going to bend over backwards to save PAB.

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"Kemp ain't going to bend over backwards to save PAB."

From your mouth to Cthulhu's ears, and you are employing reasonable expectations of human behavior, but given the retractable spine most of the GQP is equipped with these days, I am not sanguine.

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Thank you, Stephen. This is almost like the most wonderful bedtime story in the world.

"...and he lived miserably ever after."

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I kind of want to see it narrated to a little boy by Peter Falk.

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I like hearing good news like this. Do I understand RICO correctly? Trump and the others so accused could lose all their assets as criminal profit from their crimes? Or does the judge/jury have to decide which assets are from the crime and which are legal?

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Aug 16, 2023
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I would pay a large amount of money to have a GoPro in the lawyer's office when he reads the will to the kids.

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I'll kick in a grand.

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The kids will be on zoom feeds from countries without extradition treaties. Except maybe Barron.

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Barron deserves a shot at a normal life.

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Anyone get just tired of this bullshit and hope some prosecutor whips out some Indiana Jones magic on TFG

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I have no idea what that means. I have never seen any of those films, nor would I ever.

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Is there a particular reason you're being such an asshole?

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Just because I do no like some particular directors, which started long before those I J films and wish to say so does not mean I am an asshole. And I seriously did not get the reference.

I've known you to be a serious, reasonable person, and just because I happen to disagree vehemenly with the opinions of the majority of Americans, I am suddenly an asshole?

I am fairly certain that the majority of the people on Workette do not known what your icon stands for, nor do they know mine.

Is that a reason to disparage people? NO -and I don't - I wish that more people here did know, but I can't expect that.

And I am not disparaging people personally. Did I say that everybody who watches there movies is bad? NO.

I have a freind who is a fan of a certain group of George Lucas-related films, which I hate. He often wears T-shirts of these things. Do I say anything about it? NO. And one time I found something in my house which had to do with one of the films. Did I throw it away? No. I might've if I didn't know that that he likes these things. But I gave it to him and he was very HAPPY.

So ALL of you need to take a step back and not accuse people of being assholes just because they don't like the same things they do.

I sxeriously can't beleieve how many of you have your panties in a bunch about this!

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Perhaps referring to a scene where an Arab with a big scimitar does some flashy razzledazzle, Indy just shrugs, pulls out a gun, and shoots him.

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Nothing personal , but I don't give a flying fuck about any of those films.

See also my comment below.

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No reason you needed to comment then. I thought you wanted to know what the reference was, or I wouldn't have bothered.

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There are people who just run around looking for the shit. Your interlocutor, I mean.

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I acn see wny you would think that but I didn't... such is life

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Well, aren't you the cool little hipster!

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No, I just despise George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

Sorry that too many people fall for those blockbuster bullshit trash.

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I'm going out on a limb here and say a bunch of people probably have hurt themselves rolling their eyes at your posts.

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That would be THEIR problem, if they can't handle an honest and sincere statement, like many people cannot these days if it disagrees with widely held beliefs.

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"The Sack of the Capital."-- Chris Hayes.

"The Lions of Georgia."-- Jamie Raskin.

Some serious shit's goin' down when host and guest are talking in Book Titles. Also, the look on Ari's face-- when his last guest tells him he forgot Ruby Freeman, who deserves her own paragraph in recognition of what she suffered in doing her job well-- spoke volumes.

And was that shout-out by Hayes to Wonkette or Balloon Juice? (Ref. Wilhoit quote from "some sobot media website)

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This is seriously starting to feel like an episode of Columbo: "Oh, Mr Trump...just one more thing..."

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LOL, someone upthread just posited this as a fairy tale told to Mr Trump at bedtime, and immediately I wanted Peter Falk to read it to him, a la "The Princess Bride."

But your idea is great!

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"Oh, Mr. Trump, just ninety-one more things."

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Ta, Stephen. I figured it had to be some political shenanigans at the core of GA's weird pardon rule, but the reality is stranger than I imagined.

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“Unlike in other states, such as New York, clemency isn’t up to the governor in Georgia, either — not directly, anyway. Rather, under the state constitution, there’s a board of pardons and paroles, with five members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate to staggered, seven-year terms.”

Ya know, that seems like a good idea for, oh, a few other offices whose pardon power has been abused, he said obviously.

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Aug 15, 2023
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I remember Jared Kushner's testimony to the J6 Committee. He claimed he knew nothing about all the machinations going on around him because he was too busy processing pardon applications for the President.

If Rudy's to be believed, those were going for two mil a pop.

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Damn, they must've saved a lot of cigarettes!

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The Liar And Thief is fucked. Praise be to Shlitzie!

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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich also took to Fox News to warn that “we are drifting towards the greatest constitutional crisis since the 1850s,” Media Matters reported.

That's the last one Newt remembers.....

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Breaking News! America finds itself not giving a fuck what Newt Gingrich has to say about anything.

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"Breaking Wind!"


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What were the 1860s? Chopped liver?

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Rethugs make it a point to be wrong about EVERYTHING.

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Buncha drama queens acting out.

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How is it a Constitutional crisis? Trump has no role in government, he is a private citizen.

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The constitutional crisis is triggered once Trump is convicted and sentenced and wins the GOP nomination or the presidency itself. The Reich Wing believes that anything not specifically forbidden in the Constitution is implicitly allowed, and they will maintain that we cannot imprison Trump because being president comes first.

It's a crisis because about a third of the country have gone insane.

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I disagree that a Cc is triggered if he is the nominee. The prez, yes, but even as candidate he is a private citizen and has no standing constitutionally.

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Aug 15, 2023
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Is the state senator not a Republican?

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