But what if some old sexts between Laura and Dinesh get leaked? Does the country even have that many barf bags?

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Thank you for that effort :)

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Bc all of that "787 million do not hurt Fox" is BS.You do not become a billionaire by accepting to kill have your annual PROFIT (profit, not revenue!) here and there.

A reasonable explanation is that Murdoch wants to move Fox News (slightly) back into the opinionated news terrority.They will still be heavily biased, with tons of vile language ... but they might stop the blatant LYING.

That for sure wouldn't work with Tucker still on the team.

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So many theories, but...why should it be about anything but the money? Rupert Murdoch has made it fairly plain he has no standards of morality and doesn't care about racism etc. Tucker's been ALL the -ists and -phobes for YEARS, with not a peep from King Rupert. He's become estranged from his own son rather than reel in Tucker's bullshit.

Then, only days after Tucker cost Rupert three quarters of a billion dollars with other, nastier lawsuits to come, Tucker's out. If I was an employer and one of my employees dumped this shitshow in my lap, I'd dump his arse too.

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Would it also influence future settlement negotiations? I imagine being able to say "We've already sacked the rogue employee responsible for this sorry affair" could go a long way.

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If you didn’t know your girlfriend was super-religious before she became your fiancée…maybe you are a senile old horndog who really shouldn’t be allowed to keep his own library card, much less run a global propaganda network.

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I would like to know who feels comfortable releasing gossip about the old man's senility slide. Lachlan? Lachlan, who had Carlson seeking his ass like a heat-seeking missile? I think I need to start watching Succession.

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The years they kept him on doing what he was doing are the basis of the suit. Correction to avoid a future lawsuit meaneth squat to that damages claim.

If it was offered to me in settlement negotiations as a set-off I would laugh my ass off.

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like their bibles and pocket constitutions the spines have never once been cracked on any conservative hosts books.

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"Is that the Second Coming in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

Dying right here, Evan....

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Tucker would likely want it broadcast.

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Not necessarily. There was a podcast I heard about how the religious right was created by a couple of business magnates who were worried about Christian churches being too socialist, what with all that giving to the poor and loving your neighbor and camels not getting through needles.

ETA Religion is absolutely capitalism's bitch now, of course.

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That twitter thread on ad revenues is fascinating; one of the reasons that I'm glad to have done the cable-cutting thing is that I'm no longer forced to subsidize Faux News.

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Fucker sees a c-word every time he looks in the mirror.

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He has experience!

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