Arson at the factory, bad underdeveloped car, amoral rich guy ....it's like watching the DeLorean documentary.

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You want to see maga heads explode?

Rename Reagan airport after Mayor Pete

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Rivians are cool. Been seeing more and more lately. A dealership just opened up for them here Way cooler than anything Tesla.

They are still crazy expensive though

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I am very much interested in smaller, less expensive EVs. (also I hate touchscreens, I am a curmudgeon and still want a modern phone with a *much more accurate* physical keyboard pls and thank you. But point taken).

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I miss my blackberry

The fat fingering and stupid auto correct comes up with some real doosies as does talk to text

Right there with you on buttons and knobs. No distracting and complicated touch screens for me

Even the starship enterprise still had buttons knobs and levers in the 24th century

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YES. Someone understands. Never had a blackberry, but I had a couple slider phones and those were great (til the slider part broke but hey. It's not like I buy phones new).

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Elon’s marketing plan for Tesla is to sell expensive, environmentally friendly cars to MAGAs.

I’m stunned it’s not working better.

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A bit of a disconnect, eh?

Unless he can add some kind of loud fake mufflers and coal rolling smoke belchers

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It’s fascinating to me how Musk’s reputation as an innovator kept interest in Tesla up, and he ruined it by publicly being himself on Twitter and more so after he bought it.

I think most billionaires being their true selves in public are going to piss most decent people off, and they know this about themselves or have people who know this, so they don’t spout whatever brain droppings they have on topics on a social media platform.

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Contrary to popular belief most tech billionaires are not liberals They are right leaning libertarians The few that proclaim to be liberal are of the limousine variety

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Michael Keaton wanking off gesture dot gif

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I'm a simple woman.

When I finally get a new car I want it to be like my old car; just with fewer leaking window and oil seals. I want it to go when I tell it to, stop when I tell it to, turn when I tell it to, and not try to think. I want physical buttons, levers and pedals, a steering wheel, and windows that can be broken by emergency services.

In short I don't WANT fancy retracting door handles. I don't want "self driving" features that don't, and I definitely don't want to "interface" with my bloody car. I want to get in, start it, turn the wheel, put my foot on the accelerator, and go get my groceries. I value my car as a tool to get from A to B, not as a Statement.

In short, I want a good, cheap, reliable EV without bells and whistles. Lots and lots of people do, and THAT'S the market Tesla's ignoring. That's the market Korean and Chinese manufacturers are poised to dominate. And it's a hell of a lot bigger market than luxury vehicles.

Of course there ARE companies that are best known for their luxury vehicles and do very well. But they ALSO manufacture bread and butter stuff - busses, aircraft engines - and they make sure everything surrounding their luxury vehicles is absolute top quality.

Tesla... doesn't. Musk's Twitter antics and the Cybertruck have been an absolute disaster for the company. Sooner or later the board's going to have to bite the bullet, throw Musk out as CEO, and wear the plummeting stock price. Or watch him keep driving it to bankruptcy.

Rich people in Difficulties. I am HERE for it.

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Amen. Right there with ya

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Greedy Rich people in Difficulties One of my favorite things I absolutely agree with your notions of what an automobile should be. It's a tool not a status symbol

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So this last Sunday my sweetie and I went for a nice walk in one of Denver Colorado's nice parks.

When we got back to the parking lot what did I see but TWO electric cars sitting side by side as if they were asking me to do a comparison! (Neither driver was present so I could not allow my biases to run wild with "Figures! Only THAT guy would own...")

Anywho I walked around a pretty new Tesla and then got to walk around a brand new Ford MUSTANG EV! Both cars had their windows up but I could still smell the Mustang's new car smell!

Much to my chagrin I saw that the Mustang uses the touch screen control panel thing Tesla pioneered so I dinged Ford for blatant copycatism.

But when my sweetie asked me which one I would want I just shouted "Are you kidding? The Mustang baby! I gotta have the Mustang!"

Elon fucked up when he decided to challenge 65 years of consumer conditioning.

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A coworker has the EV Mustang. It is pretty cool. Except for the stupid touch screens

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When I got my Tesla, I would have found a way to wait for the Mustang EV if it looked like a Mustang and not a Tesla.

What I want my Mustang EV to look like: 1964 cherry red with a rag top


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That was a ford marketing fail. They should have know naming the new EV after a Mustang Mach would have alienated old school Mustang fans just as it did with me. They could have brought back the galaxie name for example. With that said they are pretty cool

After the initial backlash ford sent letters to dealers telling them not to call it a Mustang LOL

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Never underestimate the power of the human mind to fill-in-the-gaps about anything.

Just sit in the EV Mustang's seat, relax a bit, look at all the Ford Mustang bling arrayed around you, wheel it out onto a nice, sparsely used stretch of highway and then FLOOR IT!

Once you sink back into your seat from the jet-plane acceleration and notice you are traveling at 110 mph only seven seconds later your brain won't care about the paint job or the ragtop; your brain will be shouting "Whhheeeeeeeeee!"

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I see lots of Teslas in the Twin Cities. I've never been in one, but I think they're ugly as hell. They look like a Buick dressed up in a bargain bin space man costume for Halloween. I wouldn't buy anything from that fascist twit anyways. If they ever make an electric car that is as functional and pleasant to drive as my Honda Fit for similar cost, I'd certainly be interested.

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If the government doesn’t save my company from slumping sales then I’m going to become an even BIGGER libertarian!

By Elon musk

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We are better off with Smart people on the left like Pete Buttagieg going on Fox News. Secretary Pete does a fantastic job facing down these disingenuous idiots and I’m glad he’s out there exposing their nonsense in front of their audience.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

We need more like Mayor Pete

And Jasmine Crockett. And Jamie Raskin

None are afraid to push right wing BS right back in their faces

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Setting aside, Musks bizarre belief we need to hear his thoughts on race and population growth. Telsas are plagued by bizarre design choices like steering wheel designs and the Cybertruck in general. Musk wasted millions on designing overpriced luxury models instead of an lower end model. Telsas are making the same mistakes that destroyed their processors in the 30s and regated them to classic cars shows and museums.

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Buttigieg is just so good at this. Love that he scraps with those ignorant hacks on Faux News.

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A friend's son, who is one of those guys who has to get the newest, latest goodie, just put down a deposit on a Rivian SUV. He has a Tesla, but will be getting rid of it.

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Somebody at my office building drives one of those Rivians. It’s YUGE! I kept looking for something indicating what brand of car it was not realizing it was its own thing. They have to cost something as gianormous as the car itself is.

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I just bought a Hyundai Kona Electric. Verrrry nice car. Didn't even break down as soon as I drove it off the dealer's lot, either

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