I think I had a confrontation with your Sunday school teacher, back in the "hippie" days. He made some nasty comment about my hair, adding that he "couldn't tell if I was a man or a woman".

I helpfully suggested that he suck my d**k and find out.

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This Jizzbazz should be working in a whorehouse, like honest people.

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"Yeah Shabazz, I've got a buck for you... right here! Do you want it all up front, or do you prefer the installment plan?"

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There are a large number of undeserving folks camped out on K Street in Washington asking for tax cuts or other favors who don't need them, either. But we all pay to help them.

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Who apparently love love love that Ayn Rand fellow.

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One of them is a stinking deceitful dirtbag lush... and the other one is a homeless person.

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I'd prefer to save that for when I run into an smug entitled asshole.

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Some things will never change.

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Regional land use planning = blah youngsters riding on bike paths to my kids' school = Agenda 21 = totalitarian socialism, as everybody knows.

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Even us? Your fellow Wonketteers? Who would never kick a homeless woman's dog or ask her for money? Man, that seems like a heavy punishment for snark.

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He sounds like fun! Can I invite him to my Kool-Aid Party?

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Can we Kickstarter a fund to fly Mr. Shizzass coach to Somalia?

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Oh, will no one step up to make the streets safe for soul-less jackwagons? The humaniy of it all.

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Shorter Shizzbizz: "Dirty obviously-intentional-lifestyle-choice homeless people, go fuck off and die. But do it out of sight, so I don't have to look at you and be forced to deal with my own moral shortcomings."

Also, why do all of the biggest assholes smoke cigars?

Also, too, Shizzbizz ain't no real 'Murican name.

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The meme that the homeless are secretly rich is common among those who are embarrassed by their own comfort in comparison to that of a homeless person.

And you're so right about the smell. Nobody would choose that.

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"Your mom is out of an old Redd Foxx comedy bit."

And that is why I love you.

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