I was being facetious. My point is that they're acting like Mueller is just running wild & exceeding his mandate - which is quite broad, actually - and yet Starr actually DID go off the reservation. Also, in EVERY argument against a special prosecutor, someone invariably brings up just how invasive Whitewater became. That just makes it all the more ridiculous, which was what I was trying to say about goddamn Sekulow's stupid comment. ALL those former Soviet countries are Russia. And check out my last name: it's Croatian. The former Yugoslav republics are not off Vlad's options menu.

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Paladin, Paladin where do you roam?Paladin, Paladin far far from home

That's all I can bring to mind right now.

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Past life memory?

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didn't Bill Clinton's impeachment start with a land deal in Arkansas and ended up a few years later with a blue dress in washington? how were those related exactly? Benghazi started with Obama(not even Hillz) being responsible for the greatest tragedy in history, and ended with Hillz having a totally legal email server. How are those related exactly? So. fuck these hypocritical bastards.

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A guy at U Michigan Ann Arbor wrote a paper on that very topic around 1996. Somewhat more nuanced conclusions, we were all more innocent back then.Got awarded his degree, I heard.

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DNC is stroking and stoking the butt-hurt BernieBro contingency. So distracting. Told them in the last survey I'll ever answer: No more money, no more survey, until they grow a pair and dump people who aren't Democrats, take Russian money, and despise women and POC.

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Bernie said people can't trust them, and they lined up to prove him right, by kissing his ass and chasing his minions. I deeply regret voting for him in the primary.

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I seem to remember that when Dr. Maddow was talking about this deal on her show (seems like years ago!) in either the run up to the election, or just afterwards, she pointed out that some of the photos associated with TrumpCo's publicity releases couldn't have actually been taken from the project. I don't think this one was one of them, but it might have been.

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Certainly Ken Starr's investigation into President Clinton never wandered away from a narrow focus on the initial inquiry, right?

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This goes back to Trump ruminates and stews in instances when he felt he was wronged, embarrassed, etc... For years and even decades in his obsessed mind, they overwhelm him until he has to exact his petty revenge, via Twitter, or in his anger over the Iran deal. Trump has always hated the NFL, now he's getting his revenge. Iran screwed him over in the Baku deal? Kill the nuke deal.

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Mueller team member Zainab Ahmad is gonna twist his tighty-whities into a knot.


Also too, she's a recent magazine cover girl/woman/person, mrrrreowww.

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As we read all the pieces you cited contemporaneously, $5F, wondered aloud why - in light of the fact that 'Whitewater conspiracy' somehow morphed into Paula Jones and impeachment proceedings - this intl event, with Ivanka pimping bogus project that ultimately benefitted Iranian Revolutionary Guard, for Chrissakes, hadn't drawn more attention.

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He can also give his own press conference, and the findings will go to two AGs, the acting Fed AG, Rosenstein, and the NY AG, Sneiderman. Any state charge can't be pardoned, and according to this article, Mueller can make a criminal charge take Donny to trial, even while POTUS, according to the Brookings Institute. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/1...

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So this is how low we've gone that the "President" wants to bribe foreign companies and we go on as if nothing happened? Where are the Democrats shouting bloody murder about the corrupt nature of this regime? This is not normal.

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YAAASSSS!!! Hurry it up, Mueller. Be thorough but hurry it up!!

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