Nice to meet you last night!

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Rearranged all of the junk skedded for Wednesday in order to attend! Colowonkers, let's do this.

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Happy Motoring!

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You too!

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That’s good to know. My experience has been the classic...”I spent a week there one night.”

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Seconded. As much as I want to enthusiastically kick Gov. Frackinglooper, the garbage people eyeing his spot are garbage.

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I love Hick too. He's been good for the city and the state. I wish we could get him to come have a beer with us. http://www.9news.com/articl...

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I wouldn't count on him getting past Myers. She's gotten elected in that district. He never has.

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and now I'm not so upset about you giving KC a miss. it either would have been Sat when I was gone or Sun when the sleet started as soon as I got off the highway

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Denver is a little too far for me to venture on a Wednesday. Have a beer for me!

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You guys! I rented my very own Wonkebago for a week and will be driving it all around Utah. Wish me luck and and honk if you see a big red dog driving an RV next week.

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Er... maybe we could issue an invite? He's the kind of guy who just might drop in for a sec if he has the time. Not likely, but more possible than most other pols (unless there's $$ involved)

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"Is this stuff about syllables going to be on the final?"

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Suggested theme song for the WonkFest:


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You just kiss and hug them for me.

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