And call your doctor if it lasts more than four hours.

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Yeah, I want my fangs and rotting flesh, dammit. Although Trump comes close. That spray-tan's covering up SOMETHING, I tells ya.

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As if Afghanistan didn't have enough problems.

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The GOP AND the dems had several chances to do the right thing, but the goddamn NIMBY's wouldn't let them.

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And because we had to torture them to find that out.

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"Because they are innocent." No, because they have such amazing superterrorist powers that no civilian court, not even In Gotham itself, could possibly contend with them. Millions would die if one of those superhuman chefs were ever brought before a jury.

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That's what happens when they sell one-way fares for cash on <i>Aero Bunga-Bunga."</i>

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The detainees were Muslims in countries we invaded. The insurgents were Muslims in countries we invaded. Insurgents and terrorists have some of the same letters. Therefore, the detainees are all dangerous terrorists

Why is this so hard to understand???

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Why must it always be either/or with you, Manchu?

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Don't worry, he'll probably get molested by Breibart in a bunny costume to complete the Monday Morning Suicide News.

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You're the cool mom aren't you.

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For Waggaman’s sake I hope this Easter egg roll isn’t along the lines of a Matt Drudge Fantasy.

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The legal crew dealing with Blago can rest assured that the short memories of the American public means that the prospective jurors remember the hair and something about not giving away what is golden. Shouldn't be that hard to pick the pool.

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