Fifty years ago I needed a lot of resources to wash my hair. Today, three drops of water and someone whispering the word shampoo 100 yards away is more than sufficient for the task. 😥

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For multiple definitions of "WAP". ;-) https://media3.giphy.com/me...

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Beau on "Tough Guys™"


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LBJ was also weirdly obsessed with the water pressure at the WH. https://www.businessinsider...

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So now we're living in a Seinfeld episode. Somebody just buy the old fool a Commando 450 already. 🐘🚿

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"No one needs that amount of water pressure."

Except LBJ:


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I don’t think the pres. knows how a dishwasher works any more than he knows how to take care of his hair. HEY DONALD!!! We’re old men, hair is the least of our problems.

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Shorter list- what is right with him: a hand, a foot, an eyeball, an ear, a kidney...

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This just in...."Trump Calls for 24 Inches in a Foot, to Reflect the Magnificent Measurement of his Manhood"....New Dork Times

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I’m sure all the factories in China that make shower heads are going to retool so they can make shower heads that will be banned again 6 months from now

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That was quite some neighborhood. Maybe it's gentrified by now, not that that's ideal. But it was a bad neighborhood with a high crime rate. And here I thought I was a bad ass for moving to Fullerton & Western in the '70's.

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I know, right? Amazing! I so envy people with thick hair.

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It'll be five years in October for me. And I had a couple inches chopped off a year ago.

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It wasn't so bad in the late '90s. I picked it because it was close to the Green Line. It was kind of sketchy at night, but there were some decent restaurants, and it was close to the University. People on the L used to ask me if I knew where I was going once I got past 35th.

Most Trump supporters would just freak out at the number of black people.

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