My theory about Colonial-era American writers was that they weren't even good at the time, they just had an in with someone who owned a printing press and that's all it took; and that since a lot of copies got made and sold, those tedious, stilted hacks got inflicted on a basically captive audience. Do a couple reprint editions and fifty years later, they're the "American canon."

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Ever read much Victorian literature? While Jane Austin and some others are still remembered the vast majority was absolute dreck.

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An interesting title was probably more important to get it off the shelf than the context, since there weren't many widely-published book reviews.

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And in minority districts there will be fewer voting machines, they'll be more likely to malfunction, and will take longer to be repaired. See Ohio for the quintessential example.

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I think they said it is "excellent"

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They appoint the members of the reviewing board so that will never happen.

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Hrmrmrmr. A lot of people FL also claimed that "it is only about protecting trans kids from surgery", and all of a sudden, totally surprising to many, they now want to prevent medical for all trans people, no matter the age.


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So dies American democracy...

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If that's true, put it on a ballot and let the people vote on it. You're lying, Anna.

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In '18 in Fulton Cty, the lines to vote were 10hrs. long because of broken machines, and not enough machines. It made national news, so they improved the situation, but it will go back gradually.

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gee, what is it about, then?

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i think austen predates victoria

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Regency, baby.

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The old Confederacy is well on their way back to being open apartheid states, I see.

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Hypocrites. Either you believe in small government or you don't. Either you believe in local control or you don't. It can't be government small enough to jam all up into my uterus, and it can't be local control until you disagree with the local voters. Elections have consequences. Until they don't, and then we know we live in a dictatorship.

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It is certainly another nail in the coffin.

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