Working at Chili's is not the same is being from Chile.

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Now I miss Dubya's presidency. With any luck, Dubya's dumb brother Rick Perry will win and we can enjoy seeing the world through Brazilian eyes again.

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Those word things you wrote look like <i>facts</i>. I prefer to get my opinions by looking at pictures of Chilean models.

The problem -- if you ask me -- with a wholly privatized retirement system is that is discourages retirement when the economy is in a downturn. People stay in the jobs (if they can) waiting for better conditions in their 401k (or whatever). A better public policy is to encourage those people to retire so jobs open up for younger workers.

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Shit on a shingle.

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Points. Serious points for that one....

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So they have a life expectancy of about twenty minutes?

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I would favor an economic model from Ipanema.

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Am I the only one who knows? Godfather's pizza is indigestible.

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You put "Chilean" in front of "sea bass" and you got my attention. Social Security, not so much.

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I get the feeling that Republicans like the no government model, you know, like Somalia.

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Yeah, I heard that when I was waking up. Not a good way to start your day. I have a sister who is working at GE (Scum).

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Repubs: Why must you always embarrass us so, South America?

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