Will Lou Dobbs Cast Tie-Breaking Vote For Immigration Reform?
Chuck Schumer has reached out to America's 101st Senator, Lou Dobbs, to help him write a bill about Mexicans. Now that Health Care is dead, Democrats have to find some other piece of legislation for Republicans to sink with their negative-18 vote supermajority. Immigration reform might do the trick, HENNGGHHH???? Especially with the implicit support of an orange-headed space mummy who was recently dumped by his boyfriend (ALIPAC) for hating Mexicans with newly insufficient zeal!
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is spearheading the Democrats’ effort to put together a comprehensive reform bill, met with Dobbs on Wednesday.
“We’re meeting with all different kinds of groups, trying to get everybody together to come out for one bill,” Schumer said.
And now, a brief civics lesson from your Wonkette:
So the real question is, has Senator Schumer gotten together with DC's "shadow senators" to discuss this important legislation? Has anybody asked Chuck Norris forhisvote?
Dems reach out to Lou Dobbs to build backing for immigration reform [The Hill]