Sunk cost fallacy is my guess.

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For a guy who sucks his own dick, that is something of a comedown.

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they are as loyal to trump, as he is to them. isn't that fair?

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in my state, if you get fired for cause, you have to wait 6 weeks for a check. since we are a right to work state, 'cause they want to is good enough.

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he was navy, mebbe he's coming on a battleship?

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i hope it will be die nasty, myself.

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a puddle of hershey squirts would be more fitting, and less disgusting to look at.

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if you were a leopard, would you eat that face? i think i'd rather starve.

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"I know who I am but what are you?"

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Cuck's gotta cuck

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Not to mention Donnie's lunatic tweets aimed at Mayor Khan and the Muslim community. He won't go to London because he's a fucking coward. And if he does, I hope the city plans a protest the size of which it has never seen. Scare the shit out of Theresa May and her brethren.

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Never put anyone in a position where they have nothing left to lose. "Well, I call him my lover, call him my man,I said, I call him my lover, did the best I can". Donny don't be lovin nobody but Donny. Deep inside, donny hates donny too.

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we plan to shut london down if he pitches up. my friend is the rmt union rep with control over all london overground, underground and docklands light railway

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In a way, the reason doesn't matter. He was a progressive, and MSNBC has a history of shit-canning those on the slightest pretexts. And of course, replacing them with some "center-right" bullshit, former GOP operatives preferred.

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The zany color, the gruesome hair, the horr-- OMG!!! What HAPPENED to Bill Mumy's face???!!! Did he get exposed to deadly Trump-O rays???

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