"Don’t trade old reliable Biden for some magic Trump beans with a side of fascism."


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The syllogism, as practiced by today's voter:

--Prices are higher now than they were in 2019.

--Biden is president now, and Trump was president in 2019.

--Therefore, Trump is better for the economy.

It's often said "you can't argue with stupid." It's because simple is stupid and stupid is simple, while argument requires thought.

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I am happily retired and fortunately do not anticipate any money worries, but even I have started to notice how expensive life is getting. Mostly I worry for the kids. But I see them change the packaging on the stuff I buy at the grocery store, so they can sell me a smaller amount for the same price (looking at you, Ocean Spray). Don't even get me started on the price of cars these days! And it took a while to sink in for me here in the midwest, but rents are ridiculous! And why are so many people stuck renting in the first place, when buying a home is the primary way to build your savings?

Something is wrong somewhere. I'm not sure precisely where the problems lie or how to fix them, but it does seem like the cost to live your life these days is unsustainable. Despite the statistics, people are feeling it, even people who don't really worry about getting by, like me.

Honestly, for me, that is an argument for electing Democrats. Because we already know, as demonstrated repeatedly, that rethuglicans won't do shit about it but make it worse.

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I think it ultimately comes down to income inequality. So much wealth has been concentrated at the top, and it got worse during COVID. We're at the point when individuals can fund their own space programs or flush $44 billion down the toilet without batting an eye. We need to tax the shit out of the billionaires and use the revenue to expand public education, affordable housing, universal healthcare, etc. The Republicans won't do that and will just hand out more tax cuts for rich fuckwads, making it even worse.

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You got it in one. Plus the OBSCENE corpofascist price GOUGING which began the instant the plague started is apparently never going to STOP. EVER.

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Because of avian flu, it's likely those egg prices are going back up. Maybe pick on something else this go-round.

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"Gavin Newsom should challenge Ron DeSantis to another debate and just pelt him with a dozen eggs. Everyone would cheer as Newsom said, “That only cost me $1.99!”

I would pay good money to watch this. I'd pay even bigger money if Gavin would let me toss a few. Good one, Stephen.

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So, are we gonna mention price gouging and 70 year record high corporate profits, or nah?

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I mention them every hour on the hour.

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Just like we're never gonna hear about how $hitler had the worst eCONomic record of any preznit since the Great Depression. This is an objective, easily verifiable fact.

It'd be rude to mention it.

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"Gavin Newsom should challenge Ron DeSantis to another debate and just pelt him with a dozen eggs. Everyone would cheer as Newsom said, “That only cost me $1.99!”"


Yes, but they would do that for reasons unrelated to the price of eggs.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

The price of eggs went up when it did not just because of the pandemic or bird flu, but because several of the largest egg distributors conspired for years to fix prices. Could be helpful for Democrats to remind the voters of that while they're pelting GQP liars with cheap eggs.


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I find it laughable that Kraft gets $17 million out of this. As if they didn't already pass the cost on to the consumers.

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I'm not sure *laughable* is the term I'd go with..

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Mocking people whose lives have been ruined by America's kleptocracy is definitely not the way to win votes.

My hubby works in construction, and the Fed's interest rate surge over the last 18 months has destroyed the local industry, since it runs on cheap credit. The developers that he works with can't pay their bills and two have already gone bankrupt.

It's 2008 all over again for us, and we're old enough now that we're not going to recover from this one. Our only hope is that we're planning to move to a small town in Mexico where we can get by on our Social Security benefits.

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Interest rates for 30 year mortgage is 8%. When I was a 20's person it was 14.2% and people still bought houses. I'm sorry your husband has been affected- could he get an infrastructure job instead of building houses? It was ridiculous to think we could keep priming the pump 0% interest rates to the banks and the wealthy traders so this increase is necessary and will also promote Saving again with a reasonable return.

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I've been unable to find a contractor to remodel my bathroom, and I was going to be a cash customer. There's certain builders who are insanely busy serving the wealthy ski area homeowners up the hill, and others who say they can't get workers. A 50 sq ft room shouldn't require a big crew. It seems to me a lot of smaller contractors around here have hung up their bags and just want to delegate.

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How is it that after two (Dem) presidents with the most successful messaging ever, Democrats still are awful at messaging? This is genuinely baffling to me. We can create Obamacare and an enormous infrastructure bill but we can’t come up with a slogan, like a fast-food restaurant or a brand of AA battery?

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It's the fascist owned and operated mass media. That's just a tiny minor problem, YOU KNOW?

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

(adjusts tinfoil hat) My only conclusion is that the sociopathic billionaire oligarchs that control both parties and the media have purposefully set up this situation so that they can never be taxed. There's no way otherwise that Democrats could be so incompetent at messaging.

The oligarchs benefit from the Republinazi tax cuts, grab assets on the cheap when they crash the eCONomy, and then take full advantage of the Democratic recovery.

"Heads we win, tails you lose."

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They benefit from high interest rates and they benefit with low interest rates.

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"Gavin Newsom should challenge Ron DeSantis to another debate and just pelt him with a dozen eggs. Everyone would cheer as Newsom said, “That only cost me $1.99!” "

How can we make this happen??

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If it's all about branding, I'd like to see it branded as Democrats' Economics, and not tied to one specific person. I mean, come on DNC. Brand the party, not specific people. It's the 'other side' that's cult-like.

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Under Trump, fascism would be the main course.

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> Apparently, polling reveals that the tagline is as effective as “Go See The Marvels!”

I rather liked "The Marvels", TYVM! I'm pretty sure it was screwed by (lack of) marketing -- I saw very few ads for it -- and being launched during the strike, when the stars weren't doing promotions for it.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

I think part of the problem is that companies were price gouging during inflation. Like those egg companies. People should be mad at the corporations but they are not sure if the high prices are just "inflation", which is TOTALLY controlled by the government . . .

Corporations are jerks.

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The problem is that companies have NEVER STOPPED gouging since the pandemic began.

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