Well, she already did a $30,000 no one's home drunken house trashing. They should GED her now and not waste any more time. And Bristol should win the show and go straight to Broadway. I just want this all to be over.

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Her mother said "No boys upstairs." That should do it or a Coke douche or not laying down. All will work if you also pray and practice absentness for an hour. Oh, wait.

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18 months that's the limit.

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'Wonketteer Shoots Laptop Over Palin Facebook "News" Post'

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Can Sarah and her idiot brood please represent the Republican party in 2012? For the fat and queer slurs, laced with delightful juvenile profanity, the social conservative in me pleads, <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=th1v4fwVpFQ" target="_blank"> "Lord, make a way!"</a>

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“I’m successful because I’m a <i>fat</i> ass worker."

Plus my mother is an unbelievable media whore.

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teh Palinz wuz getting pwn3d pretty g00d there 4 real. they r total n00bz at this!!!11!!!

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Maybe that was Piper.

Or Tank. Tugg? Wait...Trim?

Screw it.

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Thank God there's no record of the dumb shit I said when I was 30.

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Thank you for using the new Facebook LifeDrainer App, now with 75% more soulcrushing Palins!

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Infecting you mean. These wads are just a virus with shoes.

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Wasn't Willow that adorable little girl that Sarah dragged out on the ice in order to prevent the Pittsburgh hockey fans from booing (fail)?

They grow <strike>up</strike> old so fast.

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Awww, crap...that's right. Rush likes the Costa Rican Rent Boys. Buzzkill

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We really have become a country of Thunderdome Mooks.

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RE: The person she called fat. I was looking for a response along the lines of, "of course I'm fat you silly slattern. Blind people know I'm fat...Trig knows I'm fat. What are you missing?"

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