I checked Google Images and she's been all over the place. Yes, it does look like at one time she was pretty. Then she got her first boob job, then she had some face work, then she had the boobs removed, then replaced...

She's been under the knife more than a pullet at Chick-fil-A.

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She'd better be wearing some lead shoes. She goes outside, she's heading for the sky faster than the house in "Up."

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I think the above pic was a couple of surgeries ago, because now she's gone full-Barbie in the face too. <a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/jenna-vs-vintagebarbie.jpg" target="_blank">Compare.</a>

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Jesus. She was never exactly "cute", but all the bodmods have left her looking like a parody of Mme Tussaud's. OTOH, she's evidently achieved financial security, so best of British luck to her.

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Her tits look like they want to GTFO.

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By her "mismatched boobies", I assume you're referring to her Repubican admiration for Michele Bachmann and Steve King.

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Don't listen to her. It's the silicon talking.

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“When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.” Slut.

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Jenna's just impressed that Mitt's sucked more dick than she has.

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How does she walk? Or even sit up?

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A bumper sticker you can believe in.

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Now you know where the money shot <i>really</i> gets deposited.

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That body + Patton's Army + hard road.

Argh. I know I can do this, but it's just not coming. [pours another shot]

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"If you like taking it in the ass, you want a Republican in the White House."

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But she's still in her element.

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