The bunker was faked! Adolph and Eva are still alive!!!!

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The thing that struck me about the stories I read was the way they all described the door:

...a door was broken......the door became broken......the glass shattered...

Like the door magically exploded all on its own. I'm pretty sure these chuckleheads damaged public property, right? Practically attacked a government facility, according to the Law & Order types. Black folks get shot for doing that. White rednecks don't even get accused.

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I'm smellin' Pulitzer Literary Prize, right here!

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"You don't like it, do you Rocco, the storm? Show it your gun, why don't you? If it doesn't stop, shoot it."

Frank McCloud

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State Trooper #1: This crowd is getting ugly. Should we tear gas them?

State Trooper #2: You know we can't do that. They're white, inbred goobers.

ST1: Should we call a SWAT team with riot gear? Maybe that will get them to back down.

ST2: Can't do that either.

ST1: Can't we at least push back. We've got clubs.

ST2: Nope. Not unless you see a black face.

ST1: Fuck! This is Idaho! Neither of our black residents are even in Boise today.

ST2: Yeah, let's just let them push their way in and take over the capital. We can arrest the loudest one after the fact as a token gesture.

ST1: You know, it's going to be that Bundy guy and he will refuse to get out of hihs chair.

ST2: I know. Too bad we can't dump him out of that chair on kneel on his neck until he suffocates like we'd do if a black guy jaywalked.

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I kinda feel that way about Arizona. Been here for 24 years now. Loved it when I got here. Discovered that while it's really beautiful country, it's inhabited by really ugly people.

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White, inbred goober libelz?!?

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Props for the "Yugo" jab. I remember an old Simpsons where Homer buys a Yugo-like car and asks, "Where was this made?" the salesman says, "Never mind, some country that doesn't exist anymore."

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Just shaking a fence outside public property gets you shot with rubber bullets and/or teargas if you're an anti-racism/BLM protester. No doubt they'd be shot if they actually tried something like this, particularly if they were armed like these militia wingnuts were.

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"What country is this from?""Iiiiiit no longer exists."


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You should update Wednesday to:

Freed and the arrested again on Wednesday.


There was a no trespass order but he went back to the house anyway.https://twitter.com/KarenLe...

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What do you call gang members in a Yugo shooting rival gang members from the car?

A push-by.

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Silly rabbit. Civility's for Democrats.

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I assume that, because this guy was white, the cops are required to wait until he actually discharges his weapon before they can take action.

It's not like he was a Black guy reaching for his cell phone.

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The gun was seized for safekeeping. I hope they got it some counseling. No firearm should ever be put through something like that.

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