Do you have to pay for slut pills and abortions even if you never use them? Well, hardly ever, at least.

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PW: You got that one locked up?

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Department of bright sides, silver linings, greener pastures: it could be hands-<i>in</i>

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Blogging is one thing, but I think the real money is in rubeshearing. All that wingnut wool!

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You too can become a successful political blogger by using this one weird trick.

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Nobody got that one. Too subtle?

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You can’t “learn” political blogging. It must come naturally. You know, like pooping.

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Gopher brains?

Carl Spackler libul!! 1!

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What song is it you want to hear?

Free derp!

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"Edit it or delete, then start blogging!" Where are the instructions about calling Obama fun names like Obummer? Why is there no index of such names? Are any of the names trademarked or can I use any of them? So much information needed.

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<i>Maybe if we learned something else from Sad Lee, like how to add vivid colors to our blockquotes, or change font colors and sizes randomly for no reason, or underline stuff so people will be fooled into thinking the text is a hyperlink…</i>

You forgot random capitalization! Won't someOne Think of the Poor CAPS keys? They get flabby if not worked out irregularly.

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He's running the old "graduated-scale training program" the shadier half of the business consulting world uses to bilk middle-aged right-wingers out of their "investment savings?"

I had heretofore given him the benefit of the doubt on having some minimal level of self-respect and class, but I suppose if the business model fits, <strike>Sarah Palin</strike>wear it.

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Your text here

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If I were you I'd skip the Twilight Cruise.

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<i>In fact, forget the political blogging.</i>

Probably easier to just forget Lee...stupidfk

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We are going straight to the 50 Shades of Gray Cruise.

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